
Hulk vs. Superman: Who Won Their Marvel vs DC Fights?

The Hulk and Superman have come up against one another multiple times over the years — with one of them proving to be consistently stronger.

Since the days when Marvel became DC’s largest superhero competitor, the two massive worlds have actually found ways to interact and come up against each other, even settling some long-standing disputes over which characters might be stronger than the other. This applies to two of their most notable powerhouses, Superman and the Hulk, who have fought each other several times in Marvel and DC crossovers over the years.

While each might have a strong claim to being the strongest superheroes of their home universes, we’re taking a look back at who prevailed when the Man of Steel went up against the Avengers’ Green Goliath.

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In 1981, Superman and Spider-Man by Jim Shooter, Marv Wolfman, and John Buscema was the second crossover between the two characters, following their previously released Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man. During the story — which existed in a world where the heroes from both superhero publishers existed in the same reality — Doctor Doom lures the Hulk to Metropolis to cause enough destruction to free an imprisoned Parasite. This forces Peter Parker to follow after him to provide coverage for the Daily Bugle. Sent into a rage by a transmission played through a micro-transmitter flying right near the Hulk’s ear, the Jade Giant tears up the Metropolis and forces Superman into action.

Although the Hulk is strong enough to send Superman flying across the city with a surprise uppercut, Superman returns and proves just how powerful he is by casually withstanding multiple blows to the chest from the Hulk. Although Hulk only grows stronger, Superman refuses to budge until he notices the micro-transmitter and breaks it. This leads to the Hulk finally calming down and even depowering into Bruce Banner. Despite not technically winning their fight, Superman’s encounter with the Hulk proves just there might not be anything the Hulk can throw that can actually defeat the Man of Steel.

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Superman vs Hulk Marvel vs DC

Superman and the Hulk finally get to really duke it out over a decade later though in the pages of 1996’s DC Vs. Marvel by by Ron Marz, Peter David, Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini. When cosmic entities representing the DC and Marvel Universes come into conflict, champions from both realities are pitted against each other in a tournament to determine a single winner — with the losing reality being erased from existence. One of the most fateful of these battles was the one between Superman and the Hulk. Notably, this fight came during particularly tumultuous times for both characters — Superman had recently been restored to life following the “Death Of Superman” and “Reign of the Supermen,” while Hulk had gained self-control and become the intelligent Professor Hulk.

Both aware of the full stakes of the battle and aware of how strong the other really was, the two engaged in a massive fistfight in an empty valley. Fully unleashing their abilities against one another, Hulk was able to keep up for a while with the Kryptonian. But deciding that saving everything he’s ever known is enough reason to put down someone he’d rather consider a friend, Superman unleashes a devastating punch that destroys the surrounding canyon and knocks the Hulk out cold. It’s a decisive win for Superman, but one that was assisted by the nature of DC vs. Marvel, with the fight ultimately being decided in a fan vote.

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More classic incarnations of the characters ended up appearing at the heart of 1999’s Incredible Hulk vs. Superman by Roger Stern and Steve Rude, which imagined a Silver Age incarnation of the Hulk during a time when he was still learning about the full extent of the Hulk’s power. Despite his sympathies for Bruce Banner’s plight, Superman engaged the Hulk when he went on a rampage through the United States. Superman’s first attempt to constrain the Hulk fails when the latter throws the Man of Steel into space and escapes away, forcing Superman to try and hunt down the Hulk. The two encounter each other in their civilian identities when Lex Luthor tries to recruit Banner.

When Lex frames the kidnapping of Betty Brant on a Hulk robot, the pair come to blows while the US army fires on both of them. However, the two are able to keep each other distracted. While Superman having the upper hand, he’s not able to put down an enraged Hulk for the count. In the end, the pair end up united when Lex Luthor unleashes a Gamma Gun against the pair in hopes of killing Superman. The Man of Steel ends up throwing Hulk back to the base in question and at the Gamma Gun, allowing him to destroy the device once and for all. Notably, despite never truly being knocked out of the fight, Superman mentions that Hulk might be one of the toughest people he’s ever come up against, even he he walked away the winner from their three fights.

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