
Iconic mystery franchise Detective Conan has revealed a Halloween-themed visual for its 25th theatrical anime film! The poster features characters hanging out at Shibuya’s famous Halloween party, with Rei Furuya as Dracula, Jinpei Matsuda as a werewolf, Kenji Hagiwara as a demon, Hiromitsu Morofushi as a mummy, and Wataru Date as Frankenstein’s Monster. Originally a
Figure expo Wonder Festival’s showcase of amazingly creative figures and garage kits means it should be on every anime, manga and game enthusiast’s to-visit list. While the winter 2022 edition will (hopefully!) be held in person next February, Wonder Festival 2021 Autumn was brought to fans as an online event on October 9! This year
Popular comedy anime Mob Psycho 100 is getting a third season! Although the new season’s release date is yet to be confirmed, a teaser visual and trailer were revealed as part of the announcement, which was made after a 100 day countdown. Setsuo Ito will reprise his role as Mob along with Takahiro Sakurai as
A live action teaser was released as part of the announcement. Shot in the style of a ’70s yakuza movie, it features Hakuryu and Kunio Murai, both veteran actors who are actually from Saga Prefecture. Further details, such as the release date, will be announced in due course. Created by Mappa, Avex Pictures, and Cygames,
The newly released Season 2 visual features the following club members: Yu Takasaki (played by Hinaki Yano), Ayumu Uehara (Aguri Onishi), Kasumi Nakasu (Mayu Sagara), Shizuku Osaka (Kaori Maeda), Karin Asaka (Miyu Kubota), Ai Miyashita (Natsumi Murakami), Kanata Konoe (Akari Kito), Setsuna Yuki (Tomori Kusunoki), Emma Verde (Maria Sashide), Rina Tennoji (Chiemi Tanaka), Shioriko Mifune
Popular anime My Hero Academia is getting a sixth season! The news was announced at the end of Season 5’s last episode, which aired on September 25. Details on the broadcast date are yet to be revealed. Adapted from Kohei Horikoshi’s manga of the same name, My Hero Academia is set in a world in