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Through refreshing action sequences and advanced tech, several PS1 games like Ape Escape made groundbreaking waves in gaming history.
The PlayStation became the home for Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, and the first Crash Bandicoot and Resident Evil trilogies, which are all iconic, but not without their dated flaws. There are also many more groundbreaking PlayStation games that are just as fun to play today as they were when they were first released.
10 Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3
Release Date: October 30, 2001
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and its first sequel are critically acclaimed extreme sports games that are still so beloved within the genre that a passionate HD remake compilation was released in 2020. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 was the first entry for the PlayStation 2, but a PS1 version was also released on the Pro Skater 2 engine and it still manages to edge out its predecessors.
Pro Skater 3 is as good as the first two entries, but it packs even more game into this comprehensive package. Pro Skater 3’s secret skaters like Darth Maul and Wolverine are also just as relevant today as they were in 2001.
9 Final Fantasy IX
Release Date: July 7, 2000
The Final Fantasy series evolved in monumental ways during its PS1 run and Final Fantasy IX is the console’s last mainline entry before Final Fantasy X begins on the PlayStation 2. Final Fantasy VII and VIII have both received substantial modern remasters and in the case of the former, a full-on remake.
HD updates of Final Fantasy IX have been released, but they’re not as comprehensive as they are for the previous titles. This is reflective of how Final Fantasy IX doesn’t always get the respect that it deserves even though it’s a top tier Final Fantasy game with a dense story and extensive mini-games and perks.
8 Parasite Eve
Release Date: March 29, 1998
The PlayStation was a crucial gaming console for the survival horror genre’s development. Video games that are actually scary and can hold their own with horror movies are truly rare, but they’re not impossible. Early entries in iconic survival horror series like Resident Evil and Silent Hill are laden with clunky controls and hardware shortcomings.
Parasite Eve has aged much more gracefully through its combination of horror and action RPG gameplay. There’s exceptional real-time combat and unique monsters and threats that Aya Brea must exterminate during her larger mission to protect New York City from a plague of spontaneous combustion.
7 Monster Rancher 2
Release Date: February 25, 1999
Monster Rancher has found success as an anime series, but its central monster raising concept is at its strongest on the PlayStation. Monster Rancher 2 gives players a lot of freedom with how they work through this experience, whether their priorities lie with raising, breeding, or fighting monsters.
Monster Rancher uses various CDs as a unique way to unlock new monsters, which is such a creative mechanic that takes advantage of the PlayStation’s disc media. Monster Rancher 2 received a fancy new coat of paint in 2020 as Monster Rancher 2 DX, but the original PS1 game holds up and still plays without issue.
6 Ape Escape
Release Date: June 18, 1999
It’s easy to dismiss Ape Escape as a silly platformer about renegade monkeys. However, the game is a turning point for the original PlayStation as the first release that makes mandatory use of the DualShock controller and the improved controls that came with this twin stick advancement.
Previous PlayStation adventure games and platformers were entertaining, but they still felt lost in the past. Ape Escape‘s advancements properly modernize its gameplay and make it a retro game that can competently hold its own with other evergreen classics like Super Mario 64.
5 Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
Release Date: March 20, 1997
Castlevania is a creative blend of gothic horror, arduous action, and labyrinthine level design that’s led to dozens of diverse games. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the only original entry in the series for the PlayStation, but it’s gone on to become the franchise’s apex and a difficult high to match.
Set after the events of Rondo of Blood, Alucard steps into Richter Belmont’s role as he sets out to destroy Dracula and other macabre creatures. Symphony of the Night has exceptional music and inspired level design, but it also brings RPG elements back into the franchise through Alcuard’s ability to gain experience points and level up his stats.
4 Breath Of Fire IV
Release Date: April 27, 2000
Capcom’s Breath of the Fire series doesn’t receive the same appreciation as Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. However, these JRPGs have endured for decades and it’s an excellent series for both genre newcomers and seasoned experts. Breath of Fire IV isn’t the series’ first PS1 entry, but it’s able to learn from Breath of Fire III‘s mistakes.
The end result is a timeless classic. Breath of Fire IV follows Ryu, a courageous hero who can transform into a dragon, as well as his motley crew of unique warriors. Breath of Fire IV introduces the ability to chain and combo spells and skills, which involves an even greater degree of skill and strategy.
3 Tomba! 1 & 2
Release Dates: December 25, 1997 & October 28, 1999
Tomba! is one of the PlayStation’s more creative sidescroller platformers that takes advantage of the 3D foreground and background in valuable ways. Tomba!‘s Tarzan-like protagonist and pig enemies provide a lot of enjoyment and the series establishes an original voice with a lot of room to grow.
Tomba! also features a non-linear event system that offers something beyond a standard platformer. Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return doesn’t get overly ambitious and try to reinvent the wheel. The introduction of fully 3D worlds and unique abilities for Tomba helps naturally mature its predecessor’s gameplay.
2 Silent Bomber
Release Date: April 2000
Silent Bomber is an inventive take on a top-down action game that’s aged incredibly well thanks to its precise and fast-paced gameplay. Silent Bomber operates like many arcade style action games where over the top heroes take on megalomaniacal tyrants.
However, Silent Bomber sets itself apart from its peers through its focus on bombs and explosives rather than a barrage of bullets or melee combat. Silent Bomber even feels like a more action-heavy take on Bomberman that’s entertaining alone or with friends. Silent Bomber was easy to miss during the PS1’s initial run and its critical acclaim has only increased over time.
1 Suikoden II
Release Date: December 17, 1998
JRPGs are extremely plentiful on the PlayStation and many of these games can blur together. The Suikoden series helps set itself apart through its extremely large character roster that includes more than 100 possible recruits, more than 40 of which can be used in battle.
This gives the player not only tremendous freedom, but Suikoden II can constantly change depending on which characters the player chooses. Suikoden II set a new standard for PS1 RPGs and even though an upgrade release of Suikoden I and II HD Remaster is on the way, there’s still nothing to be lost in playing the PlayStation original.