
Phantom Thieves Persona Awakenings, Ranked

In Persona 5, each of the Phantom Thieves is motivated by their own struggles, passions, and dreams. To fight and make their ambitions a reality, they need the help from Personas, the source of their strength. Personas are an incarnation of a strong emotion and an ability powered by a user’s psyche. Morgana described them in the game as a reflection of the user’s heart.

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Each of the Phantom Thieves have different powers, and each user comes to have a Persona in a different way. Each awakening is epic on its own as it unveils the unique journey and change each character has undergone.

8 Morgana Reveals He’s Not Just Any Cat

Although Morgana’s Persona origins are not shown on screen, he does make it clear from the beginning that he and Zorro mean business. This scene is an exhibition of his abilities in front of Joker and Ryuji.

Morgana’s Persona, Zorro, blasts away the nearby shadows, and with a smug look, Morgana prepares for battle. In this sequence, he teaches the protagonist how to fight, using his own skills as an example. While it is not a true, on-screen awakening, it is the first time Morgana’s Persona is seen, and he is a key member of the Phantom Thieves.

7 Futaba Awakens In Her Own Palace

Futaba’s awakening took a while, but it was epic that she awakens in her very own Palace. However, it seems to lack some elements the other awakenings have, such as the ripping of the mask before the Persona emerges. Instead, Futaba’s Persona, Necronomicon, appears above her, and she is lifted into her Persona via tentacles.

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Inside, Futaba is in her element, as she now floats in a tech-based battle orb. Her Persona allows her to basically “hack” into the cognitive space the Thieves enter, making the Persona essential to the team.

6 Yusuke Recognizes Reality And His Own Growth

Yusuke’s journey to awakening as a Persona user involved heavy deception, humor, and painful realizations. Seeing his mentor in the Metaverse, Yusuke came to recognize the person who took him in as a child was merely using him and his mother.

Goemon speaks to him to create the bond as he digs his nails into the floor. In a graceful movement of the arm, Yusuke rips off the mask and his Persona is revealed. The speech to follow his awakening is impactful, starting with “a breathtaking sight.” It shows how far he has come.

5 Ryuji’s Awakening Is Fun And Full of Spunk

Ryuji starts off as the right-hand person to the protagonist as they discover the Metaverse together. At first, he feels useless, as Joker and Morgana have Personas, and he doesn’t.

In a moment of near defeat, Ryuji’s desire to protect Joker and Morgana, as well as not let Kamoshida win again, allows him to awaken his own spirit of rebellion. After experiencing the agony of the change, Ryuji rolls out his new powers with a “Wassup Persona!” His awakening is both fun and emotional.

4 Ann Rebels Against Those Who Held Her Down

Ann’s awakening captures the essence of female empowerment against the institutions that have held her back. Kamoshida and her classmates had defined who Ann was for a long time and once she was offered the opportunity of a Persona, Ann chose to no longer let these people define her.

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In her transformation, Ann literally breaks away from the shackles she was bonded in, claims a nearby sword, and strikes away the cognitive version of her that Kamoshida had created in his Palace. Ann declares herself her own person and exhibits a resolve to never be held down by anyone ever again.

3 Haru Awakens Twice

Haru has not one, but two awakenings. The first occurs off-screen during her original ventures in the Metaverse with Morgana. The second occurs when she has joined the Thieves. Morgana warns that Haru’s Persona has not yet fully developed, but this changes upon seeing her Father and fiancé in the Palace.

Their vulgar words initiate the fury and drive that Haru’s Persona needed to rise. Eyes full of anger and resolve replaced her usually gentleness. Her Persona, Milady, could finally emerge in fully formed.

2 The Protagonist /Joker Sets The Stage For Future Persona Awakenings

The protagonist’s awakening sets the stage for the rest of the awakenings. The protagonist/Joker finds himself in the clutches of two shadows where all hope seems lost. A voice lets him know it is not, and an even deeper and more sinister voice approaches him with an offer.

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Arsene’s proposal captures the essence of this desire to fight back against those who have done wrong and to avenge oneself, which are themes common in the game. Joker has one of the most dramatic mask rip off scenes, and Arsene’s awakenings shocks both shadows and fans.

1 Makoto Transforms Into A True Motorbike Queen

Makoto strikes a greater chord with fans as she reaches her breaking/awakening point on her own. Her awakening is unique in that while expressing pain, Makoto seems to be all in from the start. Upon hearing her Persona, Makoto immediately calls out “Yes, come to me.”

Makoto experiences the pain associated with this metamorphosis, but she also fully embraces it as it aligns with her resolve. The floor cracks beneath her as she stomps her feet firmly into the ground. After ripping the mask from her face, Makoto is reborn.

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