
10 DC Gods Thor Could Actually Defeat

Thor isn’t the most powerful god in the Marvel Universe, but he has it where it counts. Whether it be on his own, with his Asgardian allies, or alongside the Avengers, Thor has taken on all comers and saved the universe numerous times, conquering every foe in his path. He’s often been called upon to tackle other gods and has always proven more than up to the task, even if there have been some setbacks.

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DC’s gods are a potent lot, from the members of human pantheons to the powerful gods of the cosmos. While there are some who would thrash Thor, there are others he would defeat, teaching them to fear and respect the God of Thunder.

10 Thor Would Thrash Thor

In the classic “Seasons of Mist” storyline from The Sandman, Dream was given Hell, and gods from around the universe showed up to bargain for it. One such group was Odin, Thor, and Loki. This version of Thor was mythologically accurate; he was strong and could control storms, but he was comically dumb, something the Marvel Thor would easily take advantage of.

Marvel’s Thor completely outclasses this version. He’s smarter, stronger, and Mjolnir gives him powers that the other Thor just can’t match. It would be a short fight, with Marvel’s Thor easily defeating his counterpart.

9 Granny Goodness Would Challenge Thor But Couldn’t Beat Him

Granny Goodness has a special place in the hierarchy of Apokolips. She is not only a powerful and skilled combatant, but the chief trainer of Darkseid’s elite forces, breaking their resolves and rebuilding them until they will happily die for Darkseid. Granny Goodness is as known for mind games as anything else now that she’s older, which would give Thor an advantage.

Thor is used to vying with tricksters like Loki, so Granny’s brand of manipulation won’t go far against him. After that, it would come down to a fight, which Granny has no chance of winning. She’s crafty and experienced, so she would have a few surprises for Thor, but he would be able to beat her.

8 H’Ronmeer Would Fall To Thor’s Might

H’Ronmeer is an interesting god in the Martian pantheon. To some, he’s a god of death and fire, and to others, he’s a god of life and light. Either way, H’Ronmeer is very powerful, with a variety of abilities like necromancy, telepathy, pyrokinesis, and titanic strength. In many ways, H’Ronmeer outclasses Thor, but he’s nothing that Thor hasn’t faced before.

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Over the years, Thor has defeated other death gods, like Hela, and has proven more than capable of defeating beings more powerful than him, like the Celestials. H’Ronmeer would get an early upper hand against him, but Thor would figure out a way to win, using Mjolnir’s great power to triumph.

7 Lightray Couldn’t Match Thor’s Strength

The saga of the New Gods introduced many powerful warriors, and Lightray of New Genesis has long been one of the most potent, always on the frontline of every battle against Apokolips. He isn’t the physically strongest New God, but his speed and energy powers allowed Lightray to wade through the legions of Parademons Darkseid threw at him. Unfortunately for him, Thor has him beat.

Lightray’s most effective attacks are hit and runs, using his speed and energy powers to do damage. Thor would quickly figure this out and use lightning or Mjolnir to knock him out of the sky. Thor would then press the attack on a grounded Lightray, landing powerful enough blows to keep him down.

6 Desaad Isn’t Much Of A Fighter

Darkseid’s war against New Genesis involves more than just soldiers. One of the most important parts of his power apparatus is Desaad. A fiendishly intelligent god, he’s also Darkseid’s chief torturer, used to using his terrible arts to extract information from the God of Evil’s enemies, or merely just to make them suffer. Desaad is no fighter, though, which is why Thor has him.

Desaad’s usual strategies involve trying to outsmart his foes and use his powerful technology against them, trapping them so he can use his torture implements. Thor’s power is going to be too great for Desaad’s weapons to work against. Once Thor gets his hands on him, it’s all over.

5 Orion’s Arrogance And Anger Would Be His Downfall Against Thor

Orion is the son of Darkseid but was raised on New Genesis. Despite his monstrous father, he became a great warrior, fighting against the forces of Apokolips at every turn. The wielder of the Astro-Force, Orion is a tremendously powerful and skilled combatant. In fact, he’s more powerful than Thor in a lot of ways, but that wouldn’t save him from taking a loss from the God Of Thunder.

Orion’s biggest problem in any fight is his tendency towards anger and arrogance. He believes that he can win any fight just by showing up, which is going to give Thor every advantage. It won’t be an easy fight for the God of Thunder, but he’ll take advantage of Orion’s mistakes to get the win.

4 Hecate’s Magic Wouldn’t Daunt Thor

Hecate is the goddess of magic, empowering magic users like Circe for years. Her most recent battle with the Justice League Dark showed how dangerous she could be to the entire magical community, and she would challenge even the most powerful gods and heroes. The same would be true for Thor, but he’d still be able to get the win.

Thor is no stranger to magic, having battled against the greatest magical threats the Nine Realms has to offer. Hecate would definitely do a lot of damage to Thor, but he knows how to fight someone like her. It would be a challenging battle for the God of Thunder, but he’d still pull out the win.

3 Zeus Would Learn Humility From Thor

As the head of the Greek Pantheon, Zeus is immensely powerful. Better known for his philandering than his prowess in battle, Zeus is more likely to rain lightning down upon his foes than actually battle them one-on-one. It’s debatable who has greater control over lightning, but Thor’s greater skill and experience in battle will make all the difference.

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Zeus would have the home turf advantage in this fight, as he rarely leaves Olympus. However, he’s also just not used to fighting like Thor is. Zeus is certainly more powerful than Thor in many ways, but he’s not a fighter like Thor is. That’s going to nullify any advantage the Greek god has and allow Thor to win the battle.

2 Mister Miracle Doesn’t Have The Power To Beat Thor

Mister Miracle is the bravest god in the DC Universe, having survived the terrors of Apokolips to become New Genesis’s best soldier. The greatest escape artist of three worlds, Mister Miracle uses his brain more than his brawn, but that doesn’t mean he can’t throw down with the best of them. He can easily outsmart Thor, but that won’t win the fight for him.

In a contest of wits, Miracle has Thor beat, but this is a fight. While Miracle’s intelligence would give him a lot of advantages, he’d still have to get in close to take Thor out. That’s not a place he wants to be, as Thor’s superior strength and skill would allow him to do enough damage to get the win.

1 Thor Would Decimate Ares

Ares and Wonder Woman are constant foes, the God of War’s very nature clashing with Diana’s mission of peace. As befits the God of War, Ares is a skilled combatant, one who can challenge anyone he fights. The biggest problem in a battle between Ares and Thor is that Ares can’t beat Wonder Woman, so he definitely couldn’t beat Thor.

Ares loses because he believes that being the God of War means he always wins. If he can lose to someone who isn’t on his level powers-wise like Wonder Woman, he’d have even less of a chance against Thor, who can match him in godly might and experience. Thor would beat him silly, making a mockery of Ares.

NEXT: 10 Thor Villains Who Still Need Their MCU Debut

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