
Watanabe Shinichiro’s Blade Runner Anime Short Released!

Watanabe Shinichiro has released an anime short that tells the story of the day before Blade Runner 2049, the upcoming sci-fi epic set to open on Oct. 27,

Blade Runner Blackout 2022 is set 3 years after Deckard disappeared with the female replicant, and it serves as the key to that space between 2019 when the original Blade Runner was set, and 2049. What happened after that blackout used by the replicants to become humans?

Some extremely stylish concept art achievable only by director Watanabe was also revealed. The massive and futuristic world is captured in a polished and nearly overwhelming way, and it’s sure to get fans excited to see the new movie. It also includes a number of details meant to pay respect to the original film, including the PanAm logo and an advertisement featuring a woman dressed in Japanese clothes that resembles the old Strong Wakamoto ad.

Blade Runner Blackout 2022

Director/Screenwriter: Watanabe Shinichiro
Character Designer/Animation Director: Murase Shuko
Music: Flying Lotus
Work: CygamesPictures

Iggy: Matsuda Kenichiro
Trixie: Aoba Ichiko
Ren: Furukawa Makoto

Blade Runner 2049
Opens Nationwide on Oct. 27 (Fri.)
Distribution: Sony Pictures Entertainment

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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