
10 Scariest Avengers

The Avengers have earned the appellation of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, protecting the world when the chips are down. They’ve defeated every foe thrown at them and are the world’s sweethearts. They’re celebrated heroes, loved and respected the world over. However, some members are looked at a bit differently. They’re still respected, in some cases, but they’re also heroes that everyone is afraid of.

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There are a lot of reasons for the heroes to be feared, whether it be their power, the times they’ve caused collateral damage, or their sheer ferocity. These are the Avengers that no one wants to fight because they’re the scary ones, the heroes who are the most dangerous Avengers.

10 Black Panther Can Beat Them All

Black Panther has had multiple stints with the Avengers, with his latest being the most fruitful. He’s the team leader, which is fitting since he’s one of the most intelligent people on the planet and a master strategist. Black Panther is ridiculously skilled and well-equipped; he’s spent a lot of time wargaming scenarios where his teammates are used to attack Wakanda.

Basically, he knows how to defeat every member of the Avengers, and everyone on the team knows it too. As for the villains, all of them have seen just how dangerous Black Panther can really be. They just wish he would leave the team again, as no one wants to get slashed by his vibranium claws.

9 She-Hulk Could Lose Control At Any Time

She-Hulk has always been in better control of herself than her cousin, but that doesn’t change just how scary she truly is. She-Hulk unleashed may start out weaker than the Hulk, but she quickly makes up for it. She can be just as savage and dangerous, something every Avenger and enemy of the team knows the second she walks out onto the battlefield.

Hulks are dangerous, and She-Hulk is no different. Sure, she’s good-natured most of the time, but everyone knows that there’s a gamma-powered monster inside her, and if she loses control, it’s over for anyone in her way.

8 Ares Would Have No Problem Chopping Up Everyone In His Way

Ares joined up with the Avengers post-Civil War, acting as the muscle for Iron Man’s team. The God of War was known for being rather savage in combat, using his giant battle ax to cut through everything in the team’s way. The only thing that kept him from killing was his fellow Avengers, but he definitely would have preferred to behead everyone.

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Ares stayed with the team when Norman Osborn took over, able to exercise his most violent tendencies. Ares was the type of hero who was liable to cut someone in half if the mood struck him, making him a perfect scary Avenger for multiple rosters.

7 Quicksilver Is A Superspeed Expert

Quicksilver is Marvel’s foremost speedster, even if he isn’t the fastest. He’s a longtime Avenger and is highly skilled in the use of his powers. He’s also known for being impatient, mouthy, and prone to anger. All of that, added to his considerable superspeed fighting skill, makes facing Quicksilver a scary proposition for just about anyone.

Quicksilver is always on the verge of snapping, and everyone around him knows it. The only person safe from all of that is Scarlet Witch, which actually makes him more dangerous, since he’s liable to join her if she goes against the Avengers again.

6 Wolverine Was Made An Avenger Because He’s Willing To Kill

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, and that often involves using his claws. He’s been a member of every major superteam on the planet, with the Avengers being the last he joined. Iron Man brought him onto the Avengers because he brought something that team lacked: a willingness to kill enemies that couldn’t be dealt with any other way.

Wolverine is known and feared the world over. When he walks out on the battlefield, everyone knows that the probability of someone dying has gone up immensely. Even his teammates know to be scared of him, as he has a better record against the Hulk solo than the Avengers as a whole.

5 Doctor Strange’s Power Is Catastrophic To Anyone In Front Of Him

Doctor Strange has faced down the most devastating magical threats the Multiverse has to offer. He’s won every single battle, saving the universe every time. He may not be the most powerful magic user on Earth, but he’s certainly the most learned, having studied everything that he can get his hands on. In battle, there are few Avengers more formidable than Strange.

Non-magical villains don’t stand a chance against Strange, and if he were to ever go evil, the Avengers would be in for a very bad time. Strange’s power is phenomenal, and there are few magic users more dangerous than him when he puts his mind to it.

4 Hyperion Is Superlatively Powerful

Hyperion is one of the most powerful Avengers of all time. Joining the team during the Incursions, he proved to be as formidable as they come and strong enough to hold two Earths apart for a time. Power like Hyperion’s is scary because just about no hero or villain can stand up to his might.

This has actually been the case with at least one alternate universe version of Hyperion, as he was able to kill every hero and villain on his Earth. This was a totally different Hyperion, but knowing that the Eternal was able to rip through everyone is terrifying, especially since that Hyperion wasn’t as strong as the one that joined the Avengers.

3 Thor Could Go Berserk At Any Time

Thor has faced the most dangerous villains the Marvel Universe has to offer and always walked away with the win. The God of Thunder has always been one of the most potent Avengers, a powerful and skilled warrior with millennia of experience in battle. Thor is one of the Avengers that no villain wants to see approaching on the battlefield.

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Thor may not kill anymore, but it’s not out of the question. Beyond that, Thor has gone into a state known as Warrior Madness. His powers were tripled, and he lost all inhibitions. Thor is deadly when he needs to be, and no one wants to face that.

2 The Sentry Was The Boogeyman Of The Avengers

The Sentry joined the New Avengers and was easily the team’s most powerful member. From the beginning, everyone who knew the truth about the Sentry was scared of him. This wasn’t only because of how powerful he was, but because his dark side, known as the Void, could manifest and attack at any time.

The Void is an extinction-level event at full power. This made the Sentry the boogeyman of the Avengers; he was their most potent muscle for a while and dangerous in more ways than one, especially as a member of Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers, who used him like an attack dog. No one knew who they were going to get — the Sentry or the Void — and that was enough to keep everyone in check.

1 Scarlet Witch Could Devastate The World With A Thought

Scarlet Witch’s reality-altering powers and fragile mental state have made her the Avengers’ scariest member. She’s defeated a who’s who of Marvel’s most powerful heroes and villains, and she has battled her own teammates many times. She’s even killed a few of them and depowered the vast majority of the mutant population on a whim.

Scarlet Witch can pretty much do whatever she wants, and that’s enough to make her the scariest Avenger. She’s a master sorcerer and can change the world around her with a thought. That’s frightening power, especially for someone who’s suffered what she has.

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