All Possible Users Of Devil Fruit Awakening

Awakening is a special stage that can only be achieved by a few Devil Fruit users in the world of One Piece. As stated in the series, the fruits are classified into Paramecia, Logia, and Zoan types. Once the powers of a fruit are awakened, the user starts to affect things other than their own body, such as their immediate surroundings.

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So far, Doflamingo and Katakuri are the only confirmed users of awakening, however, there are bound to be more users of this power in the future. Whether these users are pirates or marines, they will undoubtedly become far more formidable once they unlock their Devil Fruit’s enhanced abilities.

Updated on June 14th, 2022 by George Voutiritsas: There are likely hundreds of Devil Fruit users in the One Piece universe, and only a small handful of them have managed to awaken their Fruit’s true potential. Now that Luffy, Law, and Kidd have awakened their Fruits, the total number of confirmed Awakened users, is nine. To awaken a Devil Fruit, the user must master their ability, but they must also wait for their body and mind to catch up to their power. One Piece fans have met a lot of strong characters over the course of the series, and a number of them certainly meet the criteria for Awakening. With One Piece entering into its final saga, the number of Awakened users will likely rise.

15 Enel Had Already Mastered The Rumble-Rumble Fruit

Enel may not be the meanest One Piece character, but he’s definitely one of the strongest. He eats the Goro Goro no Mi, a Logia Devil Fruit which allows him to create and transform into lightning at will. He can also use this power to travel as fast as a lightning strike.

This Devil Fruit was considered to be invincible because of the speed and destructive power it provided its user. Enel proved he had mastered his powers during the Skpiea Arc, and he likely grew stronger over the years. Enel was believed to be as strong as an Admiral, making awakening a real possibility.

14 Caesar Clown’s Scientific Mind Would Make Awakening Possible

Caesar Clown may not be physically strong, but he possesses a powerful Devil Fruit. The Gasu Gasu no Mi is a Logia which allows Caesar to manipulate and transform into gas. The gas is extremely toxic, and with it, Caesar can cause powerful explosions. He can even control oxygen, causing others to suffocate.

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For all his faults, Caesar is a gifted scientist, and since he created Artificial Devil fruits, he understands the genetic makeup of the genuine fruit. If anyone can achieve awakening through intelligence and understanding, it’s Caesar.

13 Sengoku Is A Former Marine Fleet Admiral

Sengoku is a former Navy Fleet Admiral with a reputation for strength, especially among members of the previous pirate generation. His former rank makes him one of the strongest characters in the series, and he ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu.

This Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit allows Sengoku to transform into a giant golden Buddha. So far, this Devil Fruit has no apparent weaknesses. Sengoku is active during Gol D. Roger’s time, which means he faces several legends. It’s hard to believe he does this without awakening along the way.

12 Boa Hancock Has Seemingly Mastered Her Devil Fruit’s Power

Boa Hancock is a former slave and Warlord of the Sea, now in love with Luffy. All of these things make her one of the series’ best side characters. Boa has the power of the Mero Mero no Mi, a Paramecia which allows her to petrify individuals who feel lust or love towards her.

These petrified individuals can’t move, but they can still sustain damage. Additionally, Hancock is the only one who can free them. She can petrify people through ranged and melee attacks, and it pairs perfectly with her beauty. If Doflamingo is capable of awakening, another former Warlord should be capable of it as well.

11 Brook’s Soul Powers Can Be Explained Through Awakening

The Straw Hats met Brook during the Thriller Bark Arc, and it was there they learned his tragic backstory. His former crew died, and he was the sole survivor because he possessed the Yomi Yomi no Mi, a Paramecia Devil Fruit which allowed the user to come back to life one time.

Since the timeskip, Brook has demonstrated a number of different powers which revolve around his soul. He can manifest his soul outside his body, and he can use his soul to reattach his skeletal remains. He can also infuse his soul’s raw power into his sword, freezing enemies. Brook may have already awakened his power without even knowing it.

10 Crocodile Has Already Mastered The Sand-Sand Fruit

Crocodile is a former Warlord of the Sea who now sails the seas of the New World as a regular pirate. He has the powers of the Suna Suna no Mi, which is a Logia type of Devil Fruit. This fruit grants him the power to become sand itself and manipulate it at will.

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At both Alabasta and Impel Down, Crocodile suggested he’d taken his ability beyond the limits of the fruit. What’s more, he displayed the ability to turn his immediate surroundings into sand as well.

9 If Katakuri Can Awaken His Devil Fruit, So Can King

King is the strongest of the three right-hand men of Kaido, and he possesses the power of the Ancient Zoan Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon. Like the name suggests, he can transform into a massive winged dinosaur. Being a Zoan, King is a ferocious fighter in close combat.

Charlotte Katakuri, Big Mom’s right-hand, awakened his Devil Fruit powers, so there’s a possibility King could awaken his power as well. King was part of the all but extinct Lunarian race, and these humans possessed natural black wings, meaning aerial combat was already in his blood.

8 Marco’s Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Provides Immense Healing Properties

Marco is a former pirate who led the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates. He is a tremendous fighter with the powers of the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix — a Mythical Zoan type of Devil Fruit. Marco can heal most injuries within seconds, and he can use the phoenix’s blue flames to heal others.

It is highly likely that Marco’s a user of Devil Fruit awakening. In his case, it will grant him a better regeneration factor, increased stamina, and a higher level of strength.

7 As An Admiral, Kizaru Can Awaken The Glint-Glint Fruit’s Potential

An Admiral of the Navy, Kizaru is one of the strongest people in the world of One Piece. He possesses the powers of the Logia type Pika Pika no Mi which allows him to become light itself and control it freely. He can fire laser beams at will, cause powerful explosions with his kicks, and move at the speed of light.

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Kizaru’s powers were most likely awakened, seeing that he’s extremely reliant on his fruit. Being a Logia, his awakening would allow him to affect his immediate surroundings and turn things into light.

6 Aokiji Can Manipulate The Atmosphere With His Ice Powers

Aokiji is now a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, but prior to that, he serves as an Admiral in the Navy. He’s the user of the Logia type Hie Hie no Mi that has made him an ice human. This means that he can create and manipulate ice.

Aokiji’s powers were implied to have been awakened, as seen during a glimpse of his fight against Akainu. It appeared as though he could completely manipulate the weather and the atmosphere of half of Punk Hazard, which should only be possible through Devil Fruit awakening.

5 Akainu Is Currently The Navy’s Strongest Fighter

Akainu is the Fleet Admiral of the Navy and the strongest in their ranks. He’s the user of the Magu Magu no Mi which allows him to become magma and control it according to his will. This magma is capable of melting just about anything, and it’s far stronger than the Flame-Flame Fruit that once belonged to Ace.

In his fight against Aokiji, Akainu was able to completely change the atmosphere of half of Punk Hazard. Just like with Aokiji, the indication that he became an awakening user was quite strong.

4 Blackbeard’s Ability To Steal Other Powers Can Be Explained Through Awakening

Blackbeard is one of the Yonko of the Sea with a bounty of over 2.2 billion berries. He’s an incredibly powerful character and the only one with two Devil Fruit powers. As far as the Dark-Dark Fruit is concerned, it’s the only feasible way to explain his ability to steal other Devil Fruit powers, and such a thing is usually only possible through awakening.

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Being a Yonko, it makes sense for his Devil Fruit powers to be awakened. Characters far weaker than him, such as Doflamingo and Katakuri, have awakened their powers. Blackbeard should easily be capable of awakening his.

3 Dragon May Be Able To Manipulate The Weather To His Liking

Also known as the Revolutionary, Dragon is the leader of the Revolutionary Army and among the strongest in the world of One Piece. Although his Devil Fruit powers haven’t yet been revealed to the fans, his ability seems to have something to do with wind. If it’s not a wind oriented power, it’s certainly a weather manipulation ability.

Dragon is an incredibly powerful character whose reputation is enough to match the Yonko themselves. It goes without saying that if he does have a Devil Fruit power, it will be awakened.

2 As A Yonko, Big Mom’s Awakening Should Have Happened Long Ago

One of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Big Mom is the user of the Paramecia type Soru Soru no Mi. This Devil Fruit allows her to control souls. She can animate lifeless objects by placing soul fragments into them, and she can steal the souls of other individuals — thus reducing their natural lifespans.

Although Big Mom’s awakening hasn’t been revealed yet, the fact her second in command Katakuri has awakened his powers al but guarantees that she’s achieved the same as well.

1 Kaido’s Mythical Fish Fruit Allows Him To Transform Into A Dragon

Known to be the strongest creature on land, sea, and air, Kaido is one of the Yonko and a force to be reckoned with. He’s a monstrously powerful fighter who possesses the power of the Mythical Zoan Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Azure dragon.

Being a Zoan, Kaido’s awakening would give him greater strength and recovery, boosting all his other physical attributes beyond their limits. During their battle, Kaido explained awakening to Luffy as though he’d experienced it himself. Considering Kaido was one of the strongest beings in existence, his ability to use awakening felt all but guaranteed.

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