10 Marvel Characters Moon Knight Has Never Met

Moon Knight doesn’t have the best reputation in the Marvel Universe. He’s been known to kill or disfigure his enemies, generally acts ruthlessly, and has been judged negatively by a number of other heroes as a result. Moon Knight is sometimes alienated from large parts of the Marvel roster, which means there are quite a few characters who he has never had the opportunity to interact with.

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Despite his connection to the supernatural realm through his pact with the moon god Khonshu, Moon Knight has also managed to avoid several key players in Marvel’s more esoteric and cosmic realms as well. Overall, this makes Moon Knight one of the most isolated figures in Marvel Comics.

10 The Over-Mind And Marc Spector Have Never Crossed Paths

First appearing in Fantastic Four Issue #113, Grom, also known as “The Over-Mind” is a powerful Eternal capable of various telepathic techniques, most notably the ability to mentally control his foes. Moon Knight and Grom have never encountered each other, though the interaction between the two would no doubt be grounds for a compelling dynamic.

If Grom were able to control Moon Knight’s actions and turn him against other heroes, the threat would be immense. With the combined powers of Over-Mind, Moon Knight, and by extension, Khonshu, the newly formed trio would be virtually unstoppable.

9 Impossible Man Would Make For A Strange Meeting

Impossible Man is more than just an obscure joke character. With the ability to rearrange his atoms to recreate some of the tools and abilities of other familiar characters, he is actually a perfect matchup for almost anyone in the Marvel cast.

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If Impossible Man were to meet Moon Knight, one could only wonder what aspects of the character he would copy. Whether his signature robes or crescent-shaped blades, a combination of Impossible Man’s wacky alien aesthetic crossed with Moon Knight’s iconic silhouette would be an entertaining read full of offbeat character interactions.

8 Thanos Vs. Moon Knight And Khonshu Would Be Godlike

Thanos the Titan and Moon Knight never met, but the battle between the two would be one for the ages. Moon Knight’s powers being derived from an Egyptian god would give him something of a divine edge, ensuring he could survive as a contender. One potential problem in this scenario might be a rivalry between Khonshu and Thanos, who are both capricious deities in their own ways.

Moon Knight has proven himself against immensely powerful enemies such as Mephisto, so it would stand to reason that he would be able to hold his own against Thanos in a fight. A fully powered-up Thanos equipped with a full set of Infinity Stones would require Moon Knight to use all the skills of previous Avatars of Khonshu, as he did against Kang the Conqueror in Moon Knight (Vol. 2) Annual #1.

7 Moon Knight Hasn’t Met Death, But They’re Close

In Marvel’s cosmic Overspace, abstract concepts exist as tangible beings. Death is no exception, as she is often personified as a humanoid woman in many Marvel plotlines. Moon Knight is no stranger to death, per se, as his near-death experience in Egypt led to his iconic transformation.

Moon Knight has also sent many of his foes Death’s way since he is no stranger to killing enemies and evildoers to end conflicts. The personified Lady Death and Moon Knight have never encountered each other, but they would no doubt recognize each other if they met.

6 Eternity Is Just Out Of Moon Knight’s Reach

Another one of Marvel’s important cosmic entities comes in the form of Eternity, the literal embodiment of the multiverse and time itself. Despite being the universe incarnate, Eternity has been known to get into fights from time to time, almost ensuring some sort of conflict would ensue between him and Moon Knight.

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Though he has never met Eternity personally, Moon Knight has technically journeyed through Eternity before, by traveling through time and space to meet previous avatars of Khonshu and ultimately creating a super-team comprised of his previous counterparts.

5 Moon Knight And Star-Lord Have Never Met

Moon Knight and Star-Lord couldn’t be further apart, geographically speaking. While Moon Knight’s adventures occasionally take supernatural turns, his primary environment is on Earth. Peter Quill’s best fights, however, take place in his work as a spacefaring adventurer with the Guardians of the Galaxy, far away from Moon Knight’s usual stomping grounds.

No doubt Peter and Moon Knight would have no shortage of wisecracks to exchange if they actually met, though they have yet to cross paths in the comics. The likelihood of such a meeting is quite low, given the vast distances between them.

4 Galactus Could Give Khonshu A Run For His Money

Despite being bound to a divine being like Khonshu, there are a number of other cosmic entities who Moon Knight has never interacted with. Galactus could easily overwhelm Moon Knight, based on his sheer power alone.

While Moon Knight has defeated powerful villains like Kang The Conqueror and Mephisto in the past, Galactus exists in a realm of his own as far as power is concerned. Moon Knight should consider himself lucky that he and Galactus have never met.

3 Drax The Destroyer Would Put Up A Wicked Fight

Similar to how Marc Spector was revived by Khonshu when he was near death, Drax was revived by Kronos, making him an Avatar of Life in the same way that Moon Knight is an Avatar of Khonshu. Their mirrored origin story might be cause for common ground, but it is more likely that they would be rivals rather than partners

Both characters display peak combat skills and a penchant for particularly brutal kills, which can only mean they would likely have an incredibly destructive clash. If these characters ever interacted, their shared similarities and fighting skills would make for a compelling read.

2 Moon Knight And The Scarlet Witch Could Find Common Ground

Over the course of his arc, Moon Knight comics have often depicted the titular character’s experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Despite the difficulty the disorder causes him, Moon Knight is always able to push forward and make the best of his circumstances. Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch, is another Marvel character who has been on a comparable journey, even though she and Moon Knight’ have very different mental health conditions.

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Even with these differences in mind, both characters have the potential to provide glimpses into the lives of superheroes who aren’t neurotypical. If the two met, they’d certainly find common ground and mutual respect, since they can understand each other better than almost anyone else.

1 Killmonger And Moon Knight Share Similar Pasts

Before Marc Spector transformed into Moon Knight, he worked as a mercenary. This was a job that changed his life forever, as it led to his meeting with Khonshu. His combat skills and cunning earned from this experience play an important role in who Moon Knight is, both as a fighter and as a person.

Black Panther‘s Killmonger would prove a worthy adversary for Moon Knight, given his comparable mercenary background and his similarity with another Moon Knight villain, Raul Bushman. Moon Knight’s fighting style and weapons knowledge would likely be tested in this fight, as Killmonger could probably match Moon Knight blow-for blow with any tool available. Given the distance between Wakanda and New York, though, Killmonger is yet another character that Moon Knight has never met.

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