
10 Legacy Characters Better Than The Original

Superhero comics have been around since Superman smashed a car on the cover of Action Comics #1 in 1938. That’s almost a hundred years of history, and in that time, publishers like Marvel and DC have found that readers enjoy legacy characters. Over the years, both companies have used familiar mantles to introduce new characters, creating brand-new icons to populate their universes.

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While legacy characters have always been a big deal at DC, they have really taken off at Marvel in the last few years. Both publishers have created legacy characters that are actually better than their predecessors, allowing readers to see their old favorites in new ways.

10 Monica Rambeau Was The Best Captain Marvel

Mar-Vell originated the Captain Marvel mantle, acting as one of Marvel’s first cosmic heroes and working with the Avengers. His death was a huge deal, but as a hero he would be overshadowed by the next Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau. Her energy powers made her more powerful than him, and those who came after her, and she became the leader of the Avengers for a time.

Monica got lost in the Captain Marvel shuffle, taking on the name Photon after being replaced by Mar-Vell’s son Genis. Then, Genis died and came back as Photon, so Monica became Spectrum. With Carol Danvers now Captain Marvel, it’s doubtful Monica will ever get to be Cap again, but she’s still the best and most accomplished Captain Marvel.

9 Rick Tyler Was A Better Hourman Than His Father

Rex Tyler originated the Hourman mantle in the Golden Age, making his name with the Justice Society. However, he got addicted to Miraclo and the rush of heroism, basically abandoning his family for years in order to make better Miraclo and be a hero. Rex’s son, Rick Tyler, became Hourman when he was old enough, joining Infinity Inc.

Rick also fell into Miraclo addiction but was able to fight it better. He battled his demons and became a much better Hourman, proving that he could be a hero and have a life outside it. He took the lessons of his father’s life and used to them be a better person.

8 Michael Holt Became A Better Mr. Terrific Than Terry Sloane Ever Was

Terry Sloane was a genius inventor and athlete, becoming Mr. Terrific to promote fair play and battle evil alongside the Justice Society. He was a great hero but would eventually be killed by a Spirit King possessed Jay Garrick. Years later, multiple Ph.D. holding, Olympic gold medal decathlete billionaire Michael Holt took up the mantle and became the kind of hero Sloane wished he could be.

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Holt joined up with JSA and became the team’s answer to Batman. He even met Sloane on a mission in the past, who ceded that Holt was the superior Mr. Terrific. Holt’s Mr. Terrific is one of the greats, his brains, and fighting skills make him the best of the best.

7 Kamala Khan Reached Heights As Ms. Marvel That Carol Danvers Rarely Did

Carol Danvers became Ms. Marvel and worked with the first Captain Marvel, joining the Avengers. Carol would eventually become Captain Marvel, gaining a very important fan: the latent Inhuman Kamala Khan. Exposed to the Terrigen Mists, Kamala gained her embiggening powers and became the new Ms. Marvel.

As Ms. Marvel, Kamala was the ultimate relatable superhero. She quickly became a first-class hero, meeting her idols and gaining their respect, joining the Avengers, and founding the Champions. She’s an amazing Ms. Marvel, eclipsing her predecessor and making the mantle her own.

6 Tim Drake Was Easily A Better Robin Than Jason Todd

Jason Todd was the second Robin, which was pretty hard because Dick Grayson is a tough act to follow. Jason was a different kind of Robin; angrier and more impulsive, something that cost him his life. His death made Batman stop having Robins until Tim Drake came along. Tim was able to figure out Batman’s secret identity, proving he was one of the best detectives around and earned the Robin mantle.

Drake’s time as Robin is arguably the most impressive tenure any Robin has had. He and Batman worked together amazingly well, he helped found Young Justice, and became leader of the Teen Titans. He is the best teen hero of his generation and is still among the upper echelons of the Bat-Family.

5 Nightwing Proved That He’s Better Than Batman

Nightwing is the linchpin of the DC Universe. Starting his superhero career as Robin, Dick Grayson was the ur-sidekick and founded the Teen Titans, where he proved that he was an amazing leader before ditching the Robin mantle to become Nightwing. As Nightwing, Dick proved he was just as capable as Batman, something that became obvious when he put on the cape and cowl to take over for Bruce Wayne.

As Batman, Nightwing led the Justice League and was a surrogate father to Damian Wayne, teaching him to be a hero and introducing him to as normal a life as a Wayne could have. Nightwing is looked up to and trusted by everyone, with even Batman acknowledging Dick’s the superior hero.

4 Kyle Rayner Was The Sole Green Lantern In The Universe And Surpassed Hal Jordan

Hal Jordan was the first human Green Lantern and quickly made a name for himself as the greatest ever. However, the destruction of Coast City and the possession of Parallax transformed Hal into a monster that destroyed the entire Green Lantern Corps. Ganthet took the last Lantern ring and gave it to Kyle Rayner, who defeated Jordan and became the sole Green Lantern.

Rayner proved to be more than up to the challenge in his many adventures. He joined the JLA and kept the Green Lantern flame alive for years. His constructs are some of the best ever seen, and even after Jordan’s return, he was one of the Corps’ premiere Lanterns, hosting the willpower entity Ion and becoming the White Lantern, the most powerful ring-slinger ever.

3 Atom Smasher Took Everything He Learned From His Godfather The Atom And Became Better

Al Pratt was the first Atom, a man without superpowers working with the JSA. He took the name because of his small size and proved to be a tenacious fighter, eventually gaining atomic strength in a battle against Cyclotron. Pratt would become godfather to Albert Rothstein, who would develop super-strength and the ability to increase his size as Nuklon.

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Albert would change his name to Atom Smasher and join the JSA as a way to honor his godfather. He became one of the team’s strongest members, clutch in every battle. He left the team to work with Black Adam for a time but came back better than ever, improving upon the heroism he was taught by Pratt.

2 Sam Wilson Earned His Spot As Captain America

Steve Rogers as Captain America is widely considered the best hero in the Marvel Universe, and for good reason. Rogers is a legend; a man who exemplified the best parts of America. If there’s any problem with Rogers, it’s that he’s too good; he’s too perfect. This is why Sam Wilson is a better Captain America than he is.

Sam has accomplished some amazing things, and he did it without the super-soldier serum. Sam stepped up as Captain America like he was born for the role. His hard work makes him better than Rogers. He’s earned being Captain America, working to overcome everything thrown at him and still setting the same kind of example as Rogers does.

1 Wally West Is The Best Flash And There’s No Contest

Jay Garrick created the mantle of the Flash and Barry Allen perfected it. Barry took his young nephew Wally West under his tutelage when the boy gained super speed. As Kid Flash, Wally helped found the Teen Titans and took the lessons Barry taught him to heart. He stepped into Allen’s chunky yellow boots after Barry died and became the best Flash ever.

Wally surpassed Barry in every way; he’s faster, more skilled, and has survived everything thrown at him. He’s built a family and made a name for himself with the Justice League. He’s the ultimate legacy hero, taking what was passed to him, making it his own, and racing past his predecessors.

Flash from Heroes in Crisis and Green Lantern from Emerald Twilight split image

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