Season 4, Episode 6, “When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes”

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Mayans M.C. Season 4, Episode 6, “When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes,” which aired Tuesday on FX.Last week’s episode of Mayans M.C. proved tragic, as the Sons of Anarchy launched an attack on their old enemies that resulted in the death of Coco, a key member of the Santo Padre charter. The latest episode of Mayans M.C. deals with the fallout from that event and sees the club making some big decisions about how they’re going to handle the Sons of Anarchy going forward. Here’s a spoiler-filled recap of Mayans M.C. Season 4, Episode 6, “When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes.”

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The Mayans M.C. Reacts to Coco’s Death

“When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes” opens with Marcus Alvarez, current president of the Santo Padre charter, getting a phone call about the attack while he’s in bed. He rushes to the Santo Padre clubhouse, where EZ Reyes reveals to Angel that Oakland was attacked. Canche, the leader of the Yuma Mayans, also arrives at the Santo Padre clubhouse. They try and figure out exactly what happened, and Hank soon reveals five people died in the attack, including Coco. The majority of Mayans are stunned by the revelation and stand silently. However, Gilly reacts violently and breaks a table. Despite being good friends, Gilly and Coco’s last conversation was contentious, and so the loss is certain to hit him hard.

At temple after, Canche speculates El Banquero may be involved due to Angel having killed the gangster’s accountant earlier in Mayans M.C. Season 4, but the conversation soon turns to the Sons of Anarchy. Alvarez refuses to believe the Sons of Anarchy would perpetrate such an attack. EZ says he doesn’t trust the Sons of Anarchy, or even some of his fellow Mayans charters. Alvarez stops the argument that ensues between EZ and Canche. The Godfather orders everyone back to their respective charters as they figure out their next steps. After Canche leaves, Alvarez lays into EZ about his behavior, making clear he wants to avoid a war. EZ, though, realizes war has already come.

In response to the news of Coco’s death, Angel gets exceptionally drunk at the Santo Padre bar. Angel walks in to talk to him, and they talk about how it’s never easy to lose someone. Angel eventually suggests they check in with Coco’s daughter, Letty, and his girlfriend, Hope. Gilly tries to go, but he’s too drunk to stand, so Angel goes instead, and what happens is wild. Angel finds Coco’s house in a state of disarray, with Letty having presumably trashed the place in her grief. Angel and Letty eventually start putting the house back together, realizing Coco wouldn’t want it in such a state. Eventually, they kiss and seemingly have sex. Angel leaves after, and Letty goes to the bedroom, where she finds Hope crying. Hope promises to leave the next day, but Letty asks her not to go.

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Mayans M.C.’s Latest Tragedy Is Massive

While Angel is taking advantage of a distraught Letty, a pregnant Nails wakes up without him and goes about her day. She starts painting the baby’s room, but soon after moving a ladder realizes she’s dripping blood from her crotch. She gets into the shower where she starts bleeding even worse. Nails gets dressed and tries to leave the house, but she’s losing blood fast and barely functional. Felipe Reyes finds her in front of the house and drives her to the hospital. After a medical examination, Nails learns she’s lost her baby. The nurses bring out the dead baby, and Nails holds him, saying, “He’s beautiful.” On the ride back home, she blames moving the ladder. The story is certainly one of the most tragic in all of Mayans M.C.. By the end of the episode, Angel also doesn’t seem to know he’s lost his child, so a confrontation is definitely coming on that front.

The other subplots in “When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes” aren’t as bleak. Miguel Galindo ends up leaving the convent where he’s been staying, as his aunt believes Martin — whom the LGN captured and are torturing — will eventually give him up. He ends up dressing in some of Martin’s clothes and then, after attending Tomas’s funeral, having a subordinate pick him up. Jess, who gave Allesandro Montez’s kutte to the Sons of Anarchy, effectively kicking off the war with the Mayans M.C., also expresses some doubts about spying on the latter group as a bartender. However, her sister tells her that she doesn’t really have a choice in the matter.

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War Comes to Mayans M.C.

Throughout “When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes,” Alvarez remains unwilling to go to war with the Sons of Anarchy, fearing the potential cost, especially after the club’s recent internal dust-up. Early in the episode, Hank tells Alvarez the Oakland charter positively identified their attacks as Sons of Anarchy. Alvarez asks him to keep the information a secret for now so he can figure out just what’s going on. This bothers Hank, who wants to hit back right away. EZ also has a lot of tension with Alvarez. After saying goodbye to Sofia, who spent the night in his trailer, EZ finds Alvarez doing maintenance in his bike. Alvarez dodges the question about whether he knows who attacked the Mayans and instead emphasizes the importance of peace and just how terrible and pointless war is. Alvarez even takes responsibility for Coco’s death, as he’s the one who sent him to Oakland. He also promises COco will be avenged. Like Hank, though, EZ wants to get revenge against the people who killed Coco as soon as possible.

RELATED: Mayans M.C. Season 4, Episode 5, “Death of the Virgin,” Recap & SpoilersLater in the day, EZ gets a payphone call from Emily Galindo. She warns him about the investigation into Marlon Buksar’s death in Mayans M.C. Season 2. She hangs up the phone without telling EZ where she’s hiding out, despite him asking. When their call ends, Manny from the Yuma Mayans rolls up on his motorcycle, saying he’s there to help with the fight against the Sons of Anarchy. This causes the Santo Padre club to realize Alvarez kept the truth about Coco’s killer from them.

The Santo Padre Mayans enter temple, where Alvarez says the Sons of Anarchy will pay for Coco’s death. However, Alvarez still doesn’t want to go to war, saying the Mayans can’t survive a fight. Alvarez wants time to talk to Charming, the main charter for the Sons of Anarchy, before getting revenge. Still, EZ and the rest of the Santo Padre Mayans don’t want to wait. EZ reveals they have a plan to go and attack the Sons of Anarchy at UC Davis, where they can take out a big chunk of their leadership in one fell swoop. While the attack is dubbed a suicide mission, EZ volunteers to go. Initially, he plans to bring Angel and Gilly along with him, but Hank refuses to let Gilly go. Manny then signs up in Gilly’s place. Alvarez tells them that, if the mission goes wrong, it will hurt the club. EZ, though, responds by saying it will both avenge Coco and keep anyone from coming after the Mayans again. As “When I Die, I Want Your Hands on My Eyes” ends, Alvarez yields, and EZ says, “Let’s go to war.” So the Sons of Anarchy and Mayans M.C. are officially at war.

New episodes of Mayans M.C. Season 4 air Tuesdays on FX.

Danny Pino as Miguel Galindo and Emilio Rivera as Marcus Alvarez in Mayans M.C.

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