Drax’s 10 Biggest Failures In The MCU

Drax is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He lost his wife and daughter when Ronan the Accuser attacked his planet. Drax became hungry for revenge against Ronan and Thanos, and became feared by many after he took at least 22 lives.

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Drax eventually defeated the Kree warrior with the other Guardians. Although he is still haunted by his losses, he found comfort in the other members of the Guardians, allowing himself to enjoy more moments of happiness. However, his rage towards Ronan and Thanos blinded him in key moments, leading to some of Drax’s worst blunders.

10 Drax Couldn’t Save His Wife And Daughter

On Drax’s planet, he was married to a woman named Ovette, and they had a daughter named Kamaria. He loved them dearly, and they had a happy life together until Ronan arrived at Drax’s planet under Thanos’ orders. Drax’s family was killed by Ronan, who he recalls joyously delighted in their misery. His recollection of Ronan’s delight meant that he was forced to watch, and was powerless to stop him.

Losing his family is one of Drax’s deepest regrets, and his main motivation for pursuing Ronan and Thanos was to avenge their deaths, and to reunite with them after glorious battle. Although he has found a new family in the Guardians of the Galaxy, he still thinks of his wife and daughter often.

9 He Was Arrested After Earning His Title

Drax was called Drax the Destroyer after he killed at least 22 people. He was quick to anger and just as quick to resort to violence. When he was arrested and imprisoned in the Kyln, the other prisoners seemed to view him with both fear and reverence.

Without the other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, it is unlikely that Drax would have ever had the opportunity to escape from the Kyln and get his revenge on Ronan and Thanos. It was Rocket Raccoon’s high intelligence that allowed the group to plan an escape.

8 Drax Called Ronan To Knowhere

After arriving at Knowhere, Drax got drunk and got into a heated argument with Rocket. He grew increasingly frustrated since his goal of killing Ronan didn’t seem any closer to being accomplished. Without thinking, he threatened a dispatcher to contact Ronan.

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Ronan arrived at Knowhere just as Drax requested, and nearly killed Drax in their battle. At the same time, Nebula was able to get the group’s infinity stone, and Peter and Gamora were captured by the Ravagers. After Groot saved his life, Drax realized that he was foolish and needlessly endangered many people with his actions.

7 Drax’s Attempt To Rescue Peter and Gamora Nearly Killed Them

Rocket came up with a plan to rescue Peter and Gamora after they were captured by the Ravagers. Rocket, Groot, and Drax took the Milano into space to confront them, and fired a harmless warning shot at the Ravager ship. Rocket then proclaimed that Drax, who was standing on top of the Milano, was holding a Hardon Enforcer, which would be powerful enough to destroy the Ravager ship.

They would fire on the ship if they didn’t hand over Peter and Gamora in five seconds. Peter barely managed to stop Rocket and Drax from blowing them up by telling them that they worked everything out. Drax hoped to get some credit for his heroic deeds, but Peter wasn’t too pleased that he was nearly blown up.

6 He Lost To Thanos On Knowhere

When the Guardians watched the illusion of Thanos torturing the Collector, no one listened to Peter’s orders. Upon seeing Thanos, Drax became enraged. He immediately stated that he wanted to avenge his wife and daughter. As he walked towards the Titan, Peter tried to stop him. He stated that they needed to get the stone before Thanos did.

Drax refused to listen to Peter’s logic and continued walking towards Thanos. In a rush to stop him, Mantis put him to sleep. The sound of his body crashing to the ground didn’t go unnoticed by Thanos. Although Drax knew Thanos was stronger than Ronan, he was just as hasty to confront him.

5 Drax Jumped Into The Mouth Of The Abilisk

The Guardians were hired to kill an Abilisk, a creature that wanted to consume the Anulax Batteries on Sovereign. After some fighting, Drax concluded that the creature’s skin was too thick for his blades to penetrate. He came to the conclusion that if he was inside the creature, he would finally be able to pierce its flesh and kill it.

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Peter and Gamora immediately realized that this idea was flawed, as the creature’s hide would still be the same thickness even on the inside. They freed Drax, who was gleeful and convinced that he was the one to slay the beast.

4 He Warned Mantis About The Falling Rock When It Was Too Late

During the battle against Ego, Mantis struggled to keep the Celestial asleep. It took all of her concentration to overpower the god. Drax was the one who motivated her to confront Ego, but was very impressed with her ability to do so, as she appeared weak to him.

Unfortunately, her hold over him didn’t last long, as she was knocked out by falling debris. This knocked her out cold, allowing Ego to wake up and briefly turn the tide of the battle in his favor. Drax warned Mantis about the oncoming danger after she already collapsed.

3 Drax Told Mantis She Was Ugly

Drax is the type to be brutally honest, not hesitating to let others know what he thinks of them. He didn’t hesitate to tell Mantis that he thought she was horrifying to look at, and that he couldn’t understand why Ego would want to keep her as a pet.

He tried to backtrack a few times with nicer statements, such as telling her that ugly people are more likely to receive genuine love, and telling her that she was beautiful on the inside. However, they remain backhanded compliments.

2 He Tried To Become Invisible

Somehow, Drax convinced himself that he had the power to make himself invisible. He thought that if he remained incredibly still, he wouldn’t be seen. He also moved slowly as he explained his logic to Peter and Gamora. He incorrectly assumed that they still couldn’t see him since they had been too wrapped up in a separate conversation earlier.

Despite their insistence that he wasn’t invisible, he didn’t believe them until Mantis walked up to him and gave him a friendly greeting. He was utterly disappointed to realize his tactic didn’t work.

1 Drax Lost To Thanos A Second Time

On Titan, the Guardians, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange prepared for the upcoming fight against Thanos. It would be the Guardians’ second time confronting Thanos, but despite the fact that Thanos easily defeated them, none of them seemed particularly worried.

When Iron Man was coming up with a plan, which involved making the fight as short as possible, Drax stopped listening, even yawning while Tony was speaking. Although he was eager for revenge, it didn’t feel like Drax was taking the situation seriously. The group’s inability to work together made their plan to retrieve the gauntlet fail.

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