Why One of Marvel’s X-Men Hated Her Own Birthday Party

The mutant Jubilee is usually a very optimistic and fun-loving member of the X-Men. Her happy-go-lucky attitude toward life is quite different from the gruff, serious manner of her friend and mentor Wolverine, yet she is still a respected member of the team. However, there was a point in her life where she felt a lot less optimistic and more confused and frightened about her identity and place in the world, particularly when she was transformed into a vampire.

During the “Curse of the Mutants” storyline, the X-Men became involved in a vampire war, and in the aftermath Jubilee was turned into a vampire. The team was unable to find a cure for her condition, and the young mutant feared that she would have to live with her bloodthirsty urges forever. She experienced an identity crisis, feeling as though she no longer knew who she was and that she was totally different from all of her peers. She was so upset that she didn’t even enjoy it when the X-Men threw a surprise party for her birthday.

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In X-Men #11 (by Victor Gischler, Al Barrionuevo, Michel Lacombe, Rain Beredo and VC’s Joe Caramagna), the mutant superheroes surprise Jubilee with a birthday party, complete with cake and party hats. However, instead of celebrating alongside her teammates, she expresses scorn and is offended that her friends would try to pretend like everything is normal. The young mutant cries and runs away from her teammates before Professor X is able to find and comfort her.

Although Jubilation Lee is one of the younger members of the team and normally enjoys parties, in this instance the surprise left her feeling hurt and upset. She thought her friends were in denial and trying to ignore her new reality. Becoming a vampire was a huge deal for her, and it bothered her that her teammates were pretending like it never happened.

In reality, the X-Men were merely trying to show their support by throwing Jubilee a party. They were attempting to reassure Jubilee that they still cared about her and she was still one of them, despite her transformation. However, Jubilee interpreted their actions differently and felt like they were trying to pretend like nothing had happened.

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Ultimately, Professor X was able to reassure Jubilee and assuage her of some of her worries. He told her of a vampire he had known who didn’t hurt people and fed off the blood of animals instead. He helped Jubilee realize that there were other possibilities for her, and that she was not doomed to be a monster just because of her affliction. He also reminded her that although she had changed, she was still herself at the core, and she still had a community of people who cared for her.

Professor X’s words of comfort ultimately helped Jubilee come to terms with her new life as a vampire. Even though she was greatly changed, the X-Men still cared for her enough to throw her a surprise birthday party, and once she realized the true intention behind their actions, she was better able to accept both their gesture and their unconditional friendship.

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