
Green Lantern Teases the Infinite Frontier Fates of Four Human Lanterns

The fates of many Green Lanterns have been left in flux following a serious loss on Oa, with DC teasing the current state of four major heroes.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Green Lantern #3 by Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney, Marco Santucci, Michael Atiyeh, & Rob Leigh, on sale now

Following the mysterious destruction of the Green Lantern Central Power Battery, the various heroes within the Corps have been scattered across the universe, to unknown fates. There are numerous heroes still unaccounted for — with the few revealed teasing the eventual events of Future State and implying difficult days ahead for the surviving Green Lanterns.

Notably, Green Lantern #3 gives four human Green Lanterns major status updates about their fates after the destruction of the Central Power Battery, setting up the future for the cosmic corner of the DC Universe.

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Before the destruction of the Central Power Battery, Hal Jordan has been reassigned to the core planets. This meant he was far away from Oa when the Battery exploded and — seemingly like Jo Mullien — did not immediately lose power to his ring. It’s shown to still be active on Earth, with Hal receiving the distress signal that a recently returned Jo sends out in a desperate search for any other surviving Lanterns. It’s unconfirmed exactly how Hal’s ring was immune to this effect. Unlike Jo’s ring — which recharges automatically over time — Hal’s ring is a more classic model. Without his Power Battery (and the Central Power Battery to connect to), Hal’s ring will only have a limited charge. This sets up his Future State appearance, rushing to Oa with a dying ring and finding himself confronted by Jo.


John Stewart had just set out on an intergalactic expedition into unknown sectors of space with numerous other Green Lanterns when the Power Battery was destroyed. John was left adrift in space as a result, coming close to dying. He’s only saved by the fungus-like Lantern named Amanita, who sacrifices themselves to encase John in their body and keep him breathing. He was later found and saved by Saqari, a peaceful alien scavenger who leads a quiet life with her child, Ilo. John spends months with them, eventually trying to help fight off Qinoori pirates. Notably, Ilo was shown to be one of John’s allies in his battles against the Khud in Future State, refusing to speak of their mother but fighting alongside the hero’s forces. This suggests John’s coming battles might become a major drive for him.

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Like John, Kyle Rayner was in space when the Central Power Battery was destroyed. When the power burst went through the cosmos, it left Kyle gasping for air. But unlike many of the other Lanterns, Kyle’s eventual role in the potential timeline presented by Future State implied he may have been captured — or even perished — following the loss of the Central Power Battery. A brief glimpse of Kyle in Green Lantern #3 implies that he may still be alive — but not in good condition. Kyle is briefly shown on a table in what appears to be an operating room, surrounded by alien machinery. His ring is held in stasis and appears to be getting through analysis. While it’s the best indication yet that he’s alive, it’s still not a promising development for Kyle.


Simon Baz receives some of the most attention from the established Green Lanterns, which is a good thing considering his relative absence in Future State. Like Kyle, the time-hopping event didn’t tease Simon’s eventual role in the future of the DC Universe, but his presence on Oa when the Central Power Battery exploded didn’t initially look promising. While his ring was destroyed and his arm was severely injured in the explosion, Simon survived thanks to a last-second save from Teen Lantern. Already moving and with a piece of alien tech repairing the damage to his arm, Simon quickly offers his services to Jo Mullein, effectively becoming her backup as she tries to learn the truth about what happened to the corp.

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