
Trini’s Best Plan to Defeat the Empyreals Is Terrible

In the latest issue of Power Rangers, Trini and the other Rangers come up with a plan to defeat the Empyreals that is nothing short of terrible.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers #7 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

The Rangers are about to face their greatest challenge as they prepare to face the heralds of Dark Specter, the Empyreals. Singlehandedly, these beings have proven capable of laying waste to entire worlds, ending billions of lives in the process. Fortunately, Trini has just come up with what she believes is a way to do some serious damage to the Ranger’s greatest threat. Unfortunately, her plan is terrible to say the least.

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While they discuss the situation from their ship, Trini mentions that she has spent some time analyzing their last encounter with an Empyreal, and she proposes using their Zords in tandem to attack their enemy. While Trini’s efforts are neither unwelcome nor misplaced, the fact that all of it effectively hinges on the hope that they can actually hurt the beings doesn’t impart much faith in her plan. As much work as Trini has put into running the data from their last battle with an Empyreal, that was also their only direct contact with one so far, and the only reason they survived was because their foe became bored after devastating an entire world. Even worse is the fact that the Zords are unlikely to survive any outright assault from their targets, especially considering how unimpressive the Zords on Earth have recently proven to be.

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It was only a few months ago that Lord Zedd showed the Power Rangers just how strong he had become when he unleashed his Chaos Putties on Angel Grove. This new breed of his most common foot soldier, imbued with the Chaos Energy that now courses through Zedd’s body, were far more deadly than any the Rangers were used to dealing with.

Before long the heroes were completely overwhelmed and forced to call upon their Zords. The White Tigerzord and Green Dragonzord prepared to merge in order to take down the massive Putty Prime, but things did not go as planned. Lord Zedd felled both of the massive mechs with one well timed blast of Chaos Energy, and he and the Rangers watched the Zords crumble into piles of smoking wreckage.

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While it isn’t quite clear just how the White Tigerzord and Dragonzord line up with those of the Omega Rangers in terms of power, it is perfectly clear that even in his superpowered state, Lord Zedd is nowhere near as strong as any of the Empyreals. That Zedd was able to bring down two of the strongest Zords on Earth with one shot, even if they were in the midst of merging with one another, doesn’t just speak to how powerful Zedd has become. It also highlights just how vulnerable the Zords are to any enemy of a relatively similar strength, and there is no doubt that the Empyreals trump any and everything that the Omegas have brought to the table so far, including their Zords.

Trini’s plan isn’t bad in theory, but there just isn’t much hope for it in practice, at least not at the moment. With any luck, the heroes will come up with or discover a better way to handle their latest threat. If not, maybe they can at least upgrade their gear before heading back into the fray.

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