
DC Teases Connor Hawke’s Future in the DC Universe

DC Comics editor Jessica Chen teases the future of Connor Hawke now that Oliver Queen’s pre-New 52 son has returned to the fold.

DC Comics editor Jessica Chen has teased Connor Hawke’s future in the DC Universe, noting that while the future remains to be seen, it’s “a really good time” to be a fan of the second Emerald Archer now that he’s back in the picture.

The son of Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and Sandra Hawke, Connor originally debuted as the second Green Arrow in 1994, though has largely been absent since DC’s New 52 relaunch in 2011. However, Connor is finally making a comeback under DC’s latest relaunch, Infinite Frontier. He currently appears as a key supporting player in DC’s new Robin series, will have a story in Green Arrow’s upcoming 80th anniversary special and, most relevant to CBR’s exclusive interview with Chen, recently had a story in the DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration special.

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“I don’t know if it’ll be the year of Connor Hawke,” Chen told CBR when asked about Connor’s future in the DCU. “But if you’re a Connor Hawke fan, it’s a really good time to be one right now. Because he’s also running around in Robin, he’ll be appearing in this anthology. And we also have a Green Arrow 80th anniversary coming out. He’ll have a story there as well, which is a very good one. It’s a very emotional story. I read it already. [Editors] Dave Wielgosz, Amedeo Turturro and Ben Meares are doing a great job there. And we’re all really making sure to take care of this character because he hasn’t appeared in a long time. And I know the fans love him a lot. The characters are in good hands.”

DC Festival of Heroes: An Asian Superhero Celebration is available now from DC Comics.

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