
Ms. Marvel: The Future MCU Star Is Ready to Start Fighting Dirty

In the latest issue of Champions, Ms. Marvel’s team of young heroes decides to utilize a different tactic in the fight against Roxxon.

WARNING: Spoilers follow for Champions #6 by Danny Lore, Luciano Vecchio, Federico Blee & VC’s Clayton Cowles, on sale now.

When the “Outlawed” event ended, it looked like Kamala’s Law had ended, and the underaged heroes could continue to work and operate again. However, it has just become clear to the young heroes that they are still operating outside of the law and may need to rethink their current tactics.

The Champions thought they were stopping a bank robbery but ended up interfering in an organized live test of the bank’s security system. Even worse, the young heroes discovered that because the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act is still in effect, they are still considered to be working outside of the law, much to their collective frustration.

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Ms Marvel and the Champions

It will be a few weeks before the law is officially repealed, and even then there is no guarantee that things will go favorably for the young heroes. Ms. Marvel, the team leader, tries to maintain a sense of optimism as she works to calm down her teammates, but even she can’t deny feeling the pressure of what is going on in the world around them.

Ms. Marvel, as well as the rest of the Champions, is growing tired of all the nonsense in their world. Even after the team proved that Roxxon had brainwashing camps and were torturing young heroes into submission, the company has maintained its favorable standing with the public and has even increased in popularity thanks to their creation of a new social media app.

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Ms Marvel and the Champions

Ironheart plans to become the conscious of the Champions and hopefully keep them from resting on their laurels. At the same time, Ms. Marvel has plans of her own, and she wants to lead the team in a more aggressive offensive attack. Learning that Andre Sims, a young man who sabotaged Ironheart’s tech, was working for Roxxon was enough to convince Kamala that it was time to fight dirty.

This is a surprising development for Ms. Marvel, who traditionally walks the straight-and-narrow. However, the events she has had to deal with during “Outlawed” have caused her to act in ways contrary to her normal behavior. She dealt harshly with C.R.A.D.L.E. agents working for Dum Dum Duggan, and she now feels that it is time to deal with Roxxon in a similar fashion, by bringing the battle to them and fighting fire with fire. Kamala and her team may not have started this fight, but they certainly stand resolved to finish it.

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