
Is [SPOILER] Running the Dark Multiverse?

Infinite Frontier #0 introduced a new dark world that may be the beginning of a new Dark Multiverse heralded by an equally dark figure.

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers from “Epilogue” in Infinite Frontier #0 by Joshua Williamson, John Romita Jr. Klaus Janson, Brad Anderson, and ALW’s Troy Peteri, on sale now.

With a new Infinite Frontier dawning in the DC Universe it was inevitable that brand new threats would make themselves known. But one threat may also tie into the source of the last crisis, the Dark Multiverse. Darkseid has returned in a new and terrifying form, all of his past aspects merged to make him more powerful than ever before. And he is now based on Earth-Omega, a new alternate version of the Earth that is a place of endings. But this makes it possible that Earth-Omega may be the Dark Multiverse brought into the DC Omniverse, or at the very least, somehow connects to the multiverse’s evil counterpart.

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The Quintessence believed this Earth to be a place of endings, where even gods could die. That is the full extent of the information on Earth-Omega to date, other than the fact that Darkseid appears to be in control of this new world. But this simple fact about Earth-Omega ties it to the Dark Multiverse due to their very similar natures. With its lifeless, hopeless, nightmarish appearance, it is hard not to draw parallels between this new desolate Earth and the Dark Multiverse below.

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Quintessence Earth-Omega Infinite Frontier

Their purposes seem largely similar. The Dark Multiverse was birthed from the nightmares of the true multiverse. It is the representation of the worst fears of the DCU’s various heroes and villains. But like all nightmares, they don’t last forever. The Dark Multiverse’s worlds are unsustainable, and eventually, die after the nightmare has played out. The lingering fear is still there, but the threat of it has passed. But that unsustainability might be why Earth-Omega exists in the first place.

With the restructuring of the DC Universe into an omniverse, the Dark Multiverse still exists below the multiverse proper. Nightmares do have to go somewhere after all. But new Earths and whole multiverses have been created in the wake of the timeline being unknotted. Earth-Omega is clearly one of these new Earths, but may also serve as being one of the two new worlds that have become the center of the omniverse.

Earth-Omega is a place of endings though, so its possible that it is the Dark Multiverse breaching into this new omniverse, trying to establish a place of permanence for once instead of the temporary existences its worlds are granted. Stories need to end, so Earth-Omega exists as the place of endings.

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Darkseid Infinite Frontier

But if it is actually connected to the Dark Multiverse somehow, perhaps even being the control world for it, then that leads to an even bigger problem. Endings happening naturally are fine, everything ends one way or another and a new story begins. But that’s only if the world remains untampered with. Unfortunately for the rest of existence, Darkseid has just taken up residence on this new Earth.

If it truly is in control of the Dark Multiverse, then Darkseid commandeering it means he might have access to the infinite army created by the nightmares of his universe’s denizens. He wouldn’t even need Apokolips or his usual troopers such as the Parademons or the Female Furies, he could just pluck out even worse versions of them and bring them to the main multiverse as his vanguard. And that’s not even the worst he could bring forth. There are still plenty of nightmares from the Dark Multiverse that have yet to make their appearance in the mainstream universe, just waiting to be called forth by an evil force of nature.

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