
Hal Jordan Flies Into Future State With a Far Sector Partner

Hal Jordan just flew headlong into the Future State era, and he’s now set to join up with a fellow Lantern to figure out what happened to Oa.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the story “Recon” from Future State: Green Lantern #2, by Robert Venditti, Dexter Soy, Alex Sinclair & Steve Wands, on sale now

The heroes of the DC Universe have been radically changed in the Future State era, with multiple heroes being broken and suffering major losses. Chief among these depowered heroes is the Green Lantern Corps, who have mysteriously been depowered all around the DC Universe.

And now, Future State: Green Lantern #2 just teased a team-up between Hal Jordan and Jo Mullein that might be the key to figuring out what mystery has happened to the Green Lantern Corps.

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Green Lantern Hal Jordan Future State

The events of Future State have radically changed the face of the DC Universe, and no heroes have been faced with that more than the Green Lantern Corps. Some mysterious event resulted in a major disconnection from the Central Power Battery, resulting in every Green Lantern Ring failing. Some have adapted and found peace wherever they were stranded, such as Guy Garnder and Jessica Cruz. Others, like John Stewart, have carried on the good fight even if they don’t have powers anymore. Others, like Simon Baz, have gone completely missing. It appears that only one Green Lantern from Earth is still active as Green Lantern: Hal Jordan. Thanks to an energy amplifier constructed by Cyborg, Hal still has some access to his ring, which even gives him the chance to venture outwards and back into the greater universe.

Deciding to venture into the universe and try to find any other Lanterns that are still alive, Hal uses it to power a rocket and blast into space. Hal encounters the Khund army, Sinestro Corps patrols, Larfleeze the Orange Lantern, and even the newly rebuilt Warworld. Finally reaching Oa with his ship barely still flying together, Hal calls for any assistance, only to discover that Oa has been more or less wiped out, with the ruins of cities lining the planet. Upon realizing what has happened, Hal almost gives into despair before he’s confronted by another still breathing Green Lantern: Jo Mullein, the star of Far Sector and member of the Future State Justice League.

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Green Lantern Hal Jordan Jo Mullein Far Sector

The idea that this will be the primary Green Lantern duo of 2021, as a tease at the end of the story suggests, is an exciting prospect, giving Hal a partner that has no patience for his history or attitude. It’ll also allow Hal to not necessarily be a mentor to the more confident and self-assured Jo, but rather a grizzled and even potentially jaded veteran to bounce off of her more fresh-eyed dedication to the idea of what a Green Lantern means. Jo has already been suggested to be the key to uncovering the mystery of what befell the Green Lanterns in Future State: Justice League, setting her up as the future of the franchise. This gives her the chance to encounter the legacy she’s fallen into, giving her the opportunity to work with another major Lantern.

It also appears that Jo’s ring might have been exempt from whatever event destroyed the Battery, likely the result of her unique naturally recharging ring. Coupled with the Teen Lantern’s generator, it appears that unique Lantern powers still exist. This could be the perfect chance to explore the mystery of what happened to the Lanterns, and having Jo do so alongside Hal — often considered the best Green Lantern of previous decades — could be a great chance to contrast against the best Green Lantern of tomorrow. The pair could bring out the best of each other, which still likely bickering constantly and bouncing off each other in an engaging way. Two of the greatest Green Lanterns of all time might be the key to solving the greatest mystery the Green Lantern Corps has ever faced.

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