
X-Men: An Excalibur Veteran Gets A MAJOR Promotion

A classic member of Excalibur just received a powerful new position within the realm of Avalon.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Excalibur #16 by Tini Howard, Marcus To, Erick Arciniega & VC’s Tom Muller, on sale now

Excalbur has been picking up the pieces since the end of X of Swords, dealing with the direct fallout from that event. But along the way, it looks like more mutants from Krakoa have helped solidify their alliance with a mystical ally.

In Excalibur #16, Meggan, the wife of Brian Braddock and former member of Excalibur, just got a major promotion by becoming the Court Sorceress to King Jamie Braddock in Avalon — which speaks well to the Avalon/Krakoa allyship.

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Following the chaos of X of Swords, the X-Men have all been collectively finding new goals within the future of Krakoa. This includes Excalibur, who actually lost two members of their number during the event and find themselves somewhat lost in the present day: Captain Britain was seemingly killed during the contest, while Apocalypse chose to leave the island nation for Ameth as part of the peace agreement between the two mutant nations of Krakoa and Arakko. Still trying to uncover what happened to their friend Betsy, Excalibur is informed by X-Factor that since they can’t fully confirm her death due to the mystical elements of it, they don’t recommend the Five revive her.

Instead, they suggest Excalibur makes their way back into Otherworld, where they can conduct a further investigation into the events that befell their leader. Upon arriving through the Avalon Gate, Excalibur runs into Brian Braddock and his family. On top of naming his brother Captain Avalon, it turns out that Jamie has also expanded his court to include Brian’s wife, Meggan. Jamie has made Meggan the Court Sorceress, utilizing her implicit connection to Otherworld and the naturally mystical properties of the realm, to assist King Jamie Braddock and guard over Avalon. This is actually a very promising development for Krakoa, as it continues to shore up its allyship with Avalon.

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