
Back to the Future Turns Marty’s Hoverboard Into a Transformer

In Back to the Future/Transformers #2, the crossover turns another iconic ride from the ’80s movie franchise into a Transformer.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Transformers/Back to the Future #2 by Cavan Scott, Juan Samu, David Garcia Cruz, and Neil Uyetake, on sale now.

Back to the Future probably doesn’t bring to mind anything more hi-tech than the DeLorean time machine, but when the world of Marty McFly collided with the Transformers universe, things quickly escalated to a whole new level. Marty has woken up to a nightmarish version of Hill Valley, one ruled by Megatron, whose iron grip is reinforced by his Decepticon forces. While the DeLorean has been given more than a shiny new paintjob, it isn’t the only iconic ride from the Back to the Future series to be reimagined as a Robot in Disguise.

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In Transformers/Back to the Future #2, Marty’s Hoverboard from Back to the Future Part II returns and is revealed to be a Transformer too.

Marty McFly doesn’t know what has happened that led to his hometown falling under the despotic rule of its current robotic overlords, but he isn’t going to just stand by and do nothing. His minor acts of rebellion have brought him directly into harm’s way only to be saved by the DeLorean, now a Transformer known as Gigawatt. Marty still doesn’t have a clue what is going on, and he isn’t going to trust any giant robot right off the bat, even if it is his trusty DeLorean. Starscream doesn’t stay out of the fray for long, knocking Gigawatt off his feet. Marty takes the initiative and hurls his skateboard at the Decepticon, only eliciting mockery from Starscream until he realizes that Marty’s wheels are, like so many other things, more than meets the eye.

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Starscream, Gigawatt, and Marty are all equally shocked when the skateboard starts talking, morphing into a sleek new Autobot name Skilz, before delivering a swift kick to the Decepticon’s jaw. Skilz certainly isn’t big, but from what action he sees, the pint-sized Autobot is mighty enough to buy himself and Marty enough time to make a hasty exit courtesy of Gigawatt. The only question Marty has when they hop in the talking DeLorean is where they’re headed, but the answer to that question should be obvious. Gigawatt tells him that they’re headed back to the future, and it’s easily the worst version of it that Marty has seen yet.

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