
DCeased Assembles DC’s Smartest Superhero Team Ever

To try and uncover the secrets to a potential cure for the Anti-Life Virus, the remaining DC heroes just came up with the ultimate think-tank.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for DCeased: Dead Planet #6 by Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine, Gigi Baldassini, Tom Derenick, Rain Beredo& Saida Temofonte, on sale now

The mission to discover a cure to the Anti-Life Virus has dominated the plans of the remaining heroes in DCeased: Dead Planet, with the group even venturing off-world to do so. Now, the key to the cure has been uncovered by a surprisingly brilliant think-tank.

In an attempt to discover the cure to the Anti-Life Virus, a group of DCeased’s remaining heroes pooled their intellect into the smartest superhero team ever.

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The remaining heroes of the DCeased universe have been hard at work trying to uncover the key to restoring what remains of humanity. After returning to the Earth and saving Cyborg, the heroes briefly took control of Metron’s Mobius Chair to gain full knowledge of what’s needed to save humanity. Now, with Trigon’s coming and the unleashing of an army of Amazo robots, the heroes must quickly figure out the puzzle.

To that end, Batman comes up with the idea that he and his most intelligent allies literally join their minds together. Using Doctor Fate’s telepathic ability and the implicit bond between Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy thanks to their mutual connection to the Green, a group of geniuses are able to pool their intellects together and come up with a potential cure for the Anti-Life Virus. This new DC team is comprised of elemental forces, technological marvels, and even a few regular humans with strong enough minds to warrant a seat at the table.

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Each member of the group brings a different form of expertise to the table: Swamp Thing harnesses his connection to the long-deceased Alec Holland, giving the heroes the mind of a Nobel Prize-winning Biochemist. Poison Ivy’s deep knowledge of Toxicology compliments that awareness of biotic life, as well as working well with Harley Quinn’s doctorate of medicine. Harley’s experience with Psychology can also help make her a clever problem-solver, giving Detective Chimp and Batman assistance as a practical observer of their plans. Mary Marvel — with her connection to the Wisdom of Solomon — proves to be a crucial part of the group, as does Cyborg who is the product of Earth and Apokolips technology.

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