
The Dark Multiverse Unleashes the Legion of… Super-Pets!?

As a new Dark Multiverse is created by the Darkest Knight, who of the worlds has its own murderous take on the Legion of Super-Pets.

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for “The Super-Threats!” from Dark Nights: Death Metal – The Multiverse Who Laughs #1, by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Chad Hardin, Enrica Eren Angiolini and Carlos M. Mangual, on sale now.

The Batman Who Laughs has always commanded twisted inversions of classic DC heroes and villains ever since he invaded from the Dark Multiverse. Known as his Dark Knights, many of these figures are familiar figures that have been twisted and corrupted by a villainous thirst for power leading to grim tragedy on their respective worlds before being recruited by their cackling mastermind. And now with an entire multiverse shaped in his fiendish image, the Darkest Knight has introduced the latest evil take on a fan-favorite superhero team: The Legion of Super-Pets.

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Krypto is seen arriving back to his Earth in the Dark Multiverse only to find a macabre ring of human corpses formed around it. With the planet seemingly deserted, Krypto returns to the Hall of Justice where he reunites with the Legion of Super-Pets who recounts what exactly transpired while Superman’s canine companion was patrolling the cosmos. During a routine team meeting in the pets’ usual headquarters, the proceedings were interrupted by Red Medvo, the ursine member of the Legion of Doom, with the bear having gone rabidly ravenous as he attacked the heroic pets. While Beppo the Super-Monkey was able to subdue and study him, his teammates had become infected with the bear’s murderous virus through his saliva that can touch them and rampaged across Earth targeting its human populace.

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Over the next 26 hours, Streaky the Super-Cat, Bat-Cow, Ace the Bat-Hound and Comet the Super-Horse completely wiped out humanity as Beppo sealed himself inside the Hall of Justice and began developing a cure as quickly as he could. Beppo managed to administer an antiviral agent in his teammates, bringing them back to their senses just in time for Krypto to return home only for Beppo and Krypto to discover that the cure was only temporary as their companions suddenly reverted back to their murderous rage-fueled impulses to menace them once again.

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