
Death Metal: The Robin King Reveals How He Killed a DC Icon

In Dark Nights: Death Metal, the Robin King is the ultimate superhero serial killer, and he just revealed how he killed a major DC hero on his world.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Dark Nights: Death Metal #5, by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia and Tom Napolitano, on sale now.

Throughout DC’s Dark Nights: Death Metal crossover, the Robin King has lived up to his murderous reputation, armed with a utility belt loaded with different weapons and gadgets specially designed to take down each of the heroes of the DC Universe. After cutting a bloody path through the superhero community of his own world within the Dark Multiverse, the young, sinister Bruce Wayne has set his sights on the heroes of the main DCU as he and his evil master, the Darkest Knight, continue their conquest of the DC Multiverse.

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And as the Robin King confronts the remaining resistance to the Dark Knights’ rule in Dark Nights: Death Metal #5, the pint-sized superhero serial killer recounts how he murdered one of DC’s biggest icons: Wonder Woman.

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Previously, the Robin King showcased how he was able to murder many of the second-string superheroes, both on his homeworld and the main DC Universe, with brutal efficiency. As the Robin King menaces Wonder Woman, he reveals that the Diana Prince of his planet actually got the better of him in their own confrontation and was lauded by their world for seemingly ending the supervillain’s blood reign. However, this premature victory celebration was all part of the Robin King’s larger plan, as he used a mythical weapon to lethally strike down the Amazon superhero and stand triumphant over her: the God Killer sword.

Forged by the Ancient Greek deity and blacksmith Hephaestes, the God Killer sword is sharp enough to shave electrons off atoms. The God Killer subtly changes its composition to tailor the fighting style and abilities of those who wield it. The blade can absorb and redirect energy that comes into contact with it, though it is most often linked to Wonder Woman due to their similar origins. Sharp enough to pierce even Superman’s skin, the blade itself was revealed to be sentient and designed to channel and significantly boost its wielders’ combat prowess as part of its inherent magical properties.

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