
Red X: Could Future State’s Mystery Hero Be Another Robin?

Red X’s return could bring the character full circle, as a former Robin may choose to take on the mantle in order to break away from Batman.

Red X is officially jumping from the television screen to the page. DC’s announcements about Future State, its upcoming line-wide event, offered plenty of newsworthy revelations — but many fans have been particularly excited about the news of Red X’s arrival. This antihero became quite popular on the classic Teen Titans animated series and the decision to bring the character into the comics offers plenty of storytelling possibilities. Months before Future State begins, many readers are speculating about the identity of Red X. Given recent developments in Teen Titans, many of these fans are jumping to the conclusion that Damian Wayne is under the mask and there’s plenty of evidence to support this theory.

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Damian’s leadership has practically destroyed the Teen Titans. Time and again, he has crossed the line. From illegally imprisoning criminals beneath the team’s headquarters to killing Brother Blood, Damian has been out of control. Plus, Damian’s attempted murder of KGBeast and Deathstroke’s death at Red Arrow’s hand has proven that the Teen Titans need to make some significant changes. This process will clearly start at the top, as Damian officially abandoned his Robin alias in Teen Titans Annual #2. He left the team to fend for themselves because he needs to do some serious soul searching, especially after Batman told him, “The Teen Titans are finished.”

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Damian walks out on the Teen Titans

Damian’s crimes have cost him everything. His teammates on the Teen Titans have become his closest friends, but they don’t trust him anymore. Throughout the entire series, Damian has lied to them. His morally dubious actions have demonstrated his true character. At the end of the day, Wayne is willing to do whatever it takes to fight crime in a meaningful way. He’ll cross any line — a lack of restraint that has led to the downfall of the Teen Titans. As seen in the latest issue of the series, the team has decided to continue without him, so this chapter of the former Robin’s life might be finished.

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