
The Immortal Hulk Is Even MORE Brutal Than Marvel’s Punisher

The one-shot Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place shows a version of Hulk that is more violent and destructive than even The Punisher.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place #1 by Jeff Lemire, Mike Del Mundo, Marco D’alfonso, & VC’s Cory Petit, on sale now.

If there is one thing that has remained constant about Hulk, it is that through all the destruction, he isn’t a killer. There was even a point where Amadeus Cho revealed to Hulk that he never took lives no matter how much he destroyed.

Cho realized that Hulk saw things before they happened, much as he did, and that the destruction was set up in a way where there would be no human casualties. Even in a battle where Hulk and She-Hulk both raged out in The Avengers “The Search for She-Hulk” storyline and destroyed an entire town, no one died. This is a constant with Hulk stories.

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RELATED: Immortal Hulk: What Are The Below-Place And The Green Door?

Immortal Hulk

That all changed in a horrific new tale told in the one-shot issue Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place. This was a Hulk that Marvel readers had never seen before. Something has changed Hulk, and it could be because of his numerous deaths and the realization of the Green Door and what that means for his supposed immortality. The last time he came back, Hulk was different. While he still has Bruce Banner inside, trying to make him a greater hero, in this new one-shot, Hulk turned into someone that might make even the Punisher cringe.

In this case, it was something equally horrific that drove Hulk over the edge, and after this issue, his thirst for blood and violence might grow stronger, making him one of the deadliest antiheroes in the Marvel Universe. Bruce Banner arrived in a town and felt it had called to him. He knew something was wrong, and he saw it likely had something to do with a missing child. A nine-year-old girl named Rebecca Green went missing and while she was never found, the search party looking for her found a man ripped in half. Two more bodies showed up soon, and Banner knew there was a monster out there.

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