
Hellions Gives the X-Men’s Resurrection Protocols Their Biggest Test Yet

The Quiet Council of Krakoa are the only mutants who are allowed to determine if mutants return to life, and they just made a controversial decision.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Hellions #4 by Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia, David Curiel, Cory Petit and Ariana Maher, on sale now.

There has been plenty of controversial decisions made in Krakoa concerning morality in recent issues of the X-comics.

In X-Force, Beast chose to humiliate a long-time respected member of the X-Men to send paranoia and fear into the mutant society. In X-Factor, the mutants decided cloning might not be right, despite having their own resurrection protocol in place. Now, in the pages of Hellions, the Quiet Council of Krakoa just made a very controversial decision.

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Hellions #4 started with Madelyne Pryor, the Goblin Queen, talking to Havok about her plan to create a clone army of Marauders. She tells Havok the demons speak to her like old friends, wanting her to raise an army to destroy her enemies and bring Hell to Earth. She has clearly gone insane, which is understandable considering her past. She wanted revenge against the island nation of Krakoa for excluding her since she was a clone of Jean Grey.

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This plays strongly into her past problems, as Mister Sinister created her as a clone to mate with Cyclops and produce a baby powerful enough to one day defeat Apocalypse. He succeeded when Cable was born. Sinister implemented her with false memories and made her believe she was a real person. Madelyne fell in love with Scott, and when he left her to return to a resurrected Jean Grey, she lost everything. Then, Mister Sinister sent his Marauders to kill her and take her baby. She survived, but she went insane and became one of the X-Men’s greatest villains.

However, in the present-day world of mutants, things have changed. All mutants who committed crimes in the past have received forgiveness. Mister Sinister is a part of the Quiet Council of Krakoa, as is Apocalpyse. The madman who created Madelyne and tried to kill her and the evil conqueror who Cable was born to stop are both decision-makers in Krakoa. However, the one real victim of their heinous act, Madelyne, was not allowed into Krakoa.

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Things got worse for Madelyne in the latest issue of Hellions. John Greycrow, a former member of the Marauders, shot Madelyn through the chest, killing her in front of her ex-lover, Havok. This murder is ironic since his first mission was to kill Madelyne many years ago. As Havok held her during her death, she asked if he will remember her and said she only wanted them to know she was a real girl. The Marauders who committed the Mutant Massacre and who Madelyne tried to clone received authorization from the Quiet Council to return as citizens of Krakoa. However, in a controversial decision, Madelyne Pryor was not deemed to be a real girl at all, despite her pain and suffering through the years. The Quiet Council ruled there will be no resurrection for her, saying she was not a real mutant and was nothing more than a clone of Jean Grey.

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