
Leinil Francis Yu Departs Book as Interior Artist, Will Still Do Covers

X-Men artist Leinil Francis Yu has confirmed this week’s issue #12 was his last as the interior artist of Marvel Comics’ main mutant series.

X-Men artist Leinil Francis Yu has confirmed that this week’s issue #12 is his last as the interior artist of Marvel Comics’ flagship mutant book. However, he will still be around to create cover art.

“[X-Men #12] is my last gig as interior artist,” Yu wrote on Twitter. “Will continue as cover artist. Thank you for all your support [and] encouragement. Enjoy the issue!” Responding to fan inquiries in the replies, Yu explained that he is taking a “short hiatus” from doing interior art in general in order to “recharge.”

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Yu has served as the main artist of X-Men alongside writer Jonathan Hickman since the title was relaunched as part of the Dawn of X event last year, pencilling issues #1, #2, #3, #4, #7, #9, #10, #11 and now #12. He has also provided cover art for all 12 issues of the series released to date. Issues #13, #14 and #15 — which are part of the X of Swords event — will be drawn by Mahmud Asrar, with Phil Noto slated to pencil X-Men #16.

Written by Jonathan Hickman and illustrated by Leinil Francis Yu, X-Men #12 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.

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