
The Hellions Could Make a Major Mutant Leader Face His Reckoning

In the pages of Hellions, the X-Men team discovered a disturbing fact about one of the Quiet Council, and one Hellion wants him to pay.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Hellions #4 by Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia, David Curiel, Cory Petit, and Ariana Maher, on sale now.

In the X-Men series Hellions, a team of the most volatile mutants on Krakoa was given the mission to destroy the cloning farm of Mister Sinister. At the farm, they found Madelyne Pryor, the Goblin Queen, planning to create clones of the original Marauders to pull off a second Mutant Massacre in Krakoa.

While the team was able to thwart her plans and destroy the facility, the Goblin Queen, along with the Marauders that she had remade into zombie-like creatures, were killed by John Greycrow. As Hellions #4 reveals, this mission left several members of the Hellions in a state of shock, most specifically Havok and Nanny.

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Havok took Madelyne’s death especially hard and was further distressed when the Quiet Council of Krakoa ruled that she would not be allowed to go through the resurrection protocol since she was already a clone of Jean Grey. As Havok reacted to the news given by his brother Cyclops that the woman he professed to love was not eligible for resurrection, Mister Sinister stood in the background listening and enjoying the pain of the Summers brothers.

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Despite his villainous heritage, Mister Sinister is part of the Quiet Council, the governing body of Krakoa that made the ruling regarding Madelyne. He is also the man who cloned her with the ulterior motive of having her meet Cyclops to have Nathan Summers, a powerful child who could one day bring down his longtime rival Apocalypse. In sharp contrast to their decision about Pryot, the Quiet Council has chosen to bring back the lethal Marauders that Mister Sinister used to wipe out the devastate the Morlock population in the original Mutant Massacre.

More of Mister Sinister’s dark past came to light in the pages of Hellions. When the team was at Sinister’s cloning farm, they came across waste cans full of body parts of failed mutant clones. Nanny was affected by this discovery the most, returning from the mission with signs of trauma. The armored antihero saw the past misdeeds of Sinister up close, but Emma Frost said that she needed to progress and heal on her own.

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However, Nanny is more interested in revenge against Mister Sinister. Nanny is appalled by the bodies of the dead mutant children Sinister threw away like trash and has no qualms about telling him so. Sinister defends himself by explaining to her that without his processes, Krakoan resurrection would not be possible. Unfazed, Nanny asks him how many resurrections there have been so far. While he initially seems impressed, this is just to set up a larger taunt about how many orphans she’ll make when the time comes for her to punish him.

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