
Spider-Man Reveals the Moment That Still Haunts Miles Morales

During a conversation with Peter Parker, Miles Morales reveals that a moment from the Ultimate Universe still haunts him.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #49 by Nick Spencer, Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi, David Curiel, & VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now

Spider-Man and Green Goblin have been locked in a hate-filled rivalry for decades, with the pair often coming close to murdering one another frequently. But despite his own feelings on the subject, Spider-Man’s commitment to saving everyone he can has prevented him from letting Norman finally be dealt with — which terrifies one of his major allies.

During a conversation with Peter Parker, Miles Morales reveals that he still has a very vivid memory of the Death of Ultimate Spider-Man — and he’s afraid the same fate will befall the core-Marvel Universe Spider-Man.

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Since bringing his crusade to the public of New York City, Sin-Eater has seen more and more citizens of the city rallying around him and his plans to bring down all the sinners in the city. This has led to both Spider-Men — Peter Parker and Miles Morales — working together to combat the riots of Sin-Eaters moving through the city. However, after capturing a number of them, Miles learns that Sin-Eater has promised to target Norman Osborn. Sin-Eater’s forces have already arrived at Ravencroft, with even some of the patients causing chaos at the arrival of Sin-Eater.

After Peter explains the full situation to Miles, Miles tells Peter something surprising — he doesn’t think Peter should stop Sin-Eater. Miles concedes that Sin-Eater and his forces are bad people and that they need to be stopped. But if being killed and revived by Sin-Eater can help break Norman Osborn of his murderous side, Miles believes it’s in the best interest to let the Green Goblin be taken down. He reveals that it stems from his memory of the first Norman Osborn he ever encountered: the Norman of the Ultimate Universe, the same day he murdered that universe’s Peter Parker.

RELATED: Spider-Man Gives Sin-Eater New Powers And A BIG Win

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