
Batman: Is the Dark Knight Leaving the Outsiders, Again?

Is Batman setting up his departure from the Outsiders, and could Black Lightning take his role on the team going forward?

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Batman & the Outsiders #16 by Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, Clayton Cowless, on sale now.

Batman assembled the Outsiders to serve as the guiding hand for a team that he couldn’t handle on his own, bringing in Black Lightning to help him guide a new generation of heroes in the right direction. But despite his important role in forming the team, it seems like Batman won’t be a part of the group for much longer.

It looks increasingly like Batman might be stepping away from the Outsiders — but what does that mean for the team?

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Batman and his allies have spent the latter part of Batman & The Outsiders contending with Ra’s Al Ghul, who has demanded the heroes turn over their charges – Spotlight, Orphan, and Sofia Ramos – to Ra’s command. Ra’s believes that Batman has failed them and that by recruiting them he can turn the potential future heroes of the DC Universe into some of his most dangerous agents. The heroes have refused so far, even working with the likes of Lady Shiva to fight back against him. In the end, Ra’s was forced to retreat after Black Lightning embraced his full power and used it to destroy the device Ra’s was using to try and change the world.

After the battle, Black Lightning asks Batman what he intends for the Outsiders going forward. Batman seems to believe the team could still benefit from Black Lightning as a mentor. Sofia Famos, Duke Thomas, and Cassandra Cain all need guidance, which Black Lightning could provide. Even the veteran Katana has benefited from her time with him. The way Batman speaks to Black Lightning though, it sounds like Batman believes that his protegees can’t fully trust Bruce in the way they could embrace Jefferson as their mentor. He later tells the assembled team how grateful he is that they proved as resilient and determined as they have and that they don’t need him.

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