
Green Lantern John Stewart Is the ‘Fulcrum’ of DC’s Endless Winter

As Justice League: Endless Winter prepares to sweep across the DC Universe, John Stewart steps up as a major hero in the upcoming crossover.

While Justice League: Endless Winter co-writer Ron Marz has plenty of experience crafting tales for DC Comics’ various Green Lanterns, including Hal Jordan and his co-creation Kyle Rayner, the upcoming crossover event will prominently feature John Stewart as the Justice League’s Emerald Warrior.

Marz, who co-writes the upcoming crossover event with Andy Lanning, previously delivered Hal Jordan’s classic heel turn in “Emerald Twilight.” For Endless Winter, John Stewart will step up as one of the most pivotal superheroes to stand up against the villainous Frost King as he plunges the DC Universe into a magical blizzard.

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“John Stewart is our Green Lantern in this story! I’ve written Hal as a hero back in my GL run when we were doing time-travel stuff — which was great — but John is the Green Lantern in the Justice League for this storyline,” Marz told CBR. “He brings some interesting stuff to the table and he’s sort of the lynchpin in the Justice League issue right in the middle of this storyline, where it kind of turns. We had the luxury of telling that story through John because, of the other Justice League characters, he’s the one that doesn’t have a regular book so we could explore him a bit more without any continuity conflicts of where he might need to be elsewhere in the month. He ends up becoming a fulcrum character for us in the storyline.”

With Endless Winter poised to sweep across the DCU this December, Marz hinted that John will not only be a focal point in the story but will have his direction for 2021 set by the crossover event as it closes out the year.

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“I know some of the stuff in his story that’s going to happen afterwards in 2021 that we’re going to hint at and set up. That’s been one of the cool aspects of this storyline, that we’re obviously getting a sense of the bits and pieces that would be cool to put in place, character-wise, to where the various characters and titles are going in 2021,” Marz teased. “This is very much a story that’s self-contained, you can read the thing if you’ve been away from comics for 40 years. Everything you need to know will be there but there are threads that will be carried over from this into the next year which is kind of the way it should be. We’re hopefully doing this story in a way that’s very welcoming and, if you want to continue with it, the odds are it will lead you places beyond us.”

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