
Guardians of the Galaxy Upgrades the Avengers’ Most POWERFUL Psychic

A former Avenger and current Guardian of the Galaxy just got a MASSIVE power upgrade that somehow makes them even stronger.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #5 by Al Ewing, Juann Cabal, Federico Blee, and VC’s Cory Petit, on sale now.

Moondragon has long been one of the most powerful beings to ever be counted among the Avengers, her massively powerful psychic abilities making her a genuine game-changer whenever she’s involved in missions. And now, it looks like she’s getting a huge upgrade.

In Guardians of teh Galaxy #5, Marvel’s main Moondragon just fused with her alternate universe self, seemingly getting a major power boost in the process.

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As the daughter of Drax the Destroyer, Heather Douglas is one of the most powerful telepaths to ever be born on Earth. Douglass has lived a difficult life across the cosmos, even coming under the influence of the Dragon of the Moon, a massively powerful entity that took residence within her psyche until she eventually gained a degree of control over it. She eventually found love in the arms of Phyla-Vell, the powerful daughter of the deceased Avenger Captain Mar-Vell. But Phyla-Vell would eventually be killed by Thanos while in the line of duty, leading Moondragon to step away from the spotlight.

In the build-up to Infinity Warps, however, alternate versions of Moondragon and her wife Phyla-Vell entered the mainstream universe, having lived much more idyllic lives before fleeing their reality. After the conclusion of Infinity Warps, the pair elected to remain in the main Marvel Universe and have since joined the Guardians of the Galaxy. Upon discovering her counterpart, the mainstream Moondragon confronted her duplicate and psychically forced her into combat on the mindscape.

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Amplified by the Dragon of the Moon’s power, the mainstream Moondragon initially gains the upper hand and reveals her plan to steal her doppelganger’s perfect life for herself. But the alternate Moondragon has a revelation of her own: she was never in any real danger and was merely testing her counterpart in order to get an idea of her power levels.

The alternate Moondragon reveals that she looked into the 616-version of herself as soon as she arrived in this reality, and allowed their psychic battle to take place in an effort to soothe the fury within her. Finding the broken Moondragon with the Dragon of the Moon wrapped around her psyche, the perfect Moondragon reaches out and touches the demonic spirit, crumbling it into pure energy. The alternate Moondragon offers to share her life with the less than perfect version, and the pair fuse into a single being , the last vestige of the Dragon of the Moon’s energy appearing around the new combined Moondragon’s finger as a ring of pure light.

Moondragon was already ridiculously powerful, established as the equal of other telepathic powerhouses like Charles Xavier. But this new upgrade may have amplified her powers even more, considering that technically two massively powerful telepaths just merged into a single, potentially more powerful being.

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