
The X-Men Just Turned a Powerful Ally Into an ENEMY of Krakoa

The X-Men just enraged an old ally of the team, which could lead to him turning his back on Krakoa if they ever try to call on him for help.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Deadpool #4 by Kelly Thompson, Kevin Libranda, Chris Sotomayor, and VC’s Joe Sabino, on sale now.

The X-Men have reached a new level of global exposure since turning Krakoa into a new mutant nation. They’ve angered some countries, while their medicines have made them allies with others. But with various forces preparing to strike back at them, the X-Men could use every friend they can get right now.

In Deadpool #4, The X-Men might have found a powerful ally in their old friend and current king of the monsters, Deadpool. However, they may have enraged him so much that Deadpool won’t want to work with them again.

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Deadpool Krakoa Emma 1

While the X-Men have established their own nation with Krakoa, Deadpool has also established himself as the surprise king of the monsters on Staten Island. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to at least be invited to Krakoa. Deadpool is actually furious that despite all the times he’s teamed up with various X-Men for a number of assorted missions, he hasn’t been allowed special access to Krakoa. Because he’s not actually a mutant, Deadpool is incapable of crossing the barriers that separate Krakoa from the rest of humanity, even though he’s served alongside them in teams like Uncanny X-Force. On top of that, the news that the mutants on Krakoa have created a number of cures for humanity’s ails infuriates him even more: if the X-Men have the cure for cancer, he wants to know why didn’t they extend one to him.

All of his attempts to reach the island through more conventional communication are futile, so Wade decides to sneak into Krakoa.  Thanks to one of his citizens Gelby actually being a mutant, Deadpool is able to climb inside Gelby and enter Krakoa while inside him. Within moments of escaping Gelby’s body on the island, Deadpool is quickly surrounded by the X-Men and beaten down. However, the heroes let up and allow him to visit the Quiet Council to argue his for his inclusion into the X-Men’s future. And to his surprise – they’re willing to meet him halfway. It’s revealed Rogue, who served with him in the Avengers, has spoken vigorously in Deadpool’s defense and argued that not only as a frequent ally to mutant-kind but a monarch in his own right, Deadpool deserves the right to visit the Krakoa.

Emma Frost explains to Wade that going forward, he will be allowed to visit Krakoa, so long as he goes through the traditional channels. He will not receive any special treatment, and his request for a flower to grow a Krakoa Gate in Staten Island is denied. Emma reveals that Deadpool was actually considered as an asset to Krakoa before this, but that the odds of Deadpool’s brand of chaos bringing down a still-forming Krakoa was too likely for them to approach him before. Deadpool storms off, furious with the “fascists” that the X-Men have become.

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Deadpool Emma Krakoa

Deadpool tried to take a Krakoa Flower for himself despite what Emma says, and finds himself (again) fighting the X-Men. This time though, the battle is ended peacefully by Rogue, whose past relationship with Deadpool allows her to see him in a different, more heroic light. She apologizes to Wade for being unable to provide a means to restore his full health and even offers him one of the Krakoa flowers. But Deadpool – perceiving it as pity – turns it down. Wolverine argues that it’s more a sign of friendship between the X-Men and Deadpool and his monstrous citizens on Staten Island, but a petulant Wade decides that if he’s not fully allowed on Krakoa, then mutants aren’t allowed on Staten Island while he rules it.

The X-Men have often found a surprisingly capable ally in Deadpool, even if his attitude and madcap nature making him a difficult person to work with. Having a kingdom of monsters on their side would have been a huge boon for the X-Men, especially considering Broo’s recent friendship with Fing Fang Foom. It could give them a genuinely strong backup army to work with, which could come in handy if-and-when Doctor Doom does finally decide to turn his full attention to mutants. Hopefully, if the X-Men are in real trouble, Deadpool will learn to get over himself and offer Krakoa his help. And even though he rejected the X-Men’s offer, he even has his own Krakoa flower, courtesy of his pet land-shark, Jeff.

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