
Tokyo Honyaku Quest Launches Pilot!

Fan translator crowdsourcing program Tokyo Honyaku Quest has entered its pilot phase!

Translators for the pilot were selected from over 1200 applicants through a test assessing translation skills, as well as knowledge of and passion for the content. The twenty who passed will translate news articles from Japanese website Anime!Anime!, the results of which are to be published on their new international website, Anime Anime Global.

The translated articles will also be recorded as an “official” version, linking the translator’s ID and translation/proofing history through blockchain.

The pilot aims to test out whether translation speed and quality can be maintained through remunerating translators with community currency, if blockchain can strengthen and expand the fan community, and if the project can link writers and content owners through returning profits.

The pilot began on Aug. 29 and will run until the end of November with between 20 and 40 articles to be translated every day.

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