
Meet the Characters of A3!

Abbreviated from “Act! Addict! Actors!”, A3! is an “ikemen actor raising” game available on iOS and Android, and you can check out the basics right here. One of its main features is a large cast of handsome budding actors, all voiced and all with their own distinct personality and backstory.

First, though, there’s also an important character to get to know – you! Players take the role of the heroine, Izumi (a default name that can be changed). Having grown up watching watching her father direct at Mankai Company, Izumi also became a stage actor but ended up quitting. Having ventured out to the rundown Mankai Theater once again, she’s suddenly tasked with revitalizing the company as its director and general manager, which won’t be an easy task.

You’ll be assisted by Matsukawa Isuke (CV: Konishi Katsuyuki), who has been struggling to keep Mankai Company afloat. Often referred to as “the manager”, Isuke’s shabby appearance hardly suggests that he’s a reliable figure – in fact, he’s the main reason for Mankai Company’s huge debts, but he does genuinely care for the group.

As for the actors themselves, they’re split into four different troupes themed around a season. Each troupe originally had five members (plus a few ensemble members), but Act 2 adds an actor to each, bringing the total to 24 for the main cast. Ages are given according to their official profiles, so those who joined in Act 1 will be a year older in Act 2. The majority are in their teens but there’s still a fair variety of ages and occupations. Ready to meet them?

Sakuma Sakuya (CV: Sakai Koudai)

Age: 17
Birthday: Mar. 9
Height: 167 cm
Signature flower: Sakura

This third-year student at Hanasaki Gakuen is the very first member of Mankai Company’s new generation and the leader of the Spring Troupe. Although he still has a long way to go, Sakuya’s an undoubtably hard worker who puts his everything into practicing, having made it through auditions and into the Mankai Company dorms in order to escape from a difficult home.

Usui Masumi (CV: Shirai Yusuke)

Age: 16
Birthday: Mar. 30
Height: 175 cm
Signature flower: Violet

Masumi is a second-year student at Hanasaki Gakuen who fell in love with you on the spot, thus starting his journey with Mankai Company. In spite of his cool appearance, he’s not afraid to express his feelings to you. He also has a natural gift for acting and remembering lines, which he channels solely into attempting to be noticed by you – meaning he can be a bit of a handful for the other actors.

Minagi Tsuzuru (CV: Nishiyama Koutarou)

Age: 18
Birthday: Apr. 9
Height: 180 cm
Signature flower: Dandelion

A first-year student at Hasei University, before entering Mankai Company Tsuzuru was tasked with taking care of a whopping seven younger brothers. Now, he lives in Mankai Company’s dorms and juggles his studies with his acting career and part-time jobs even as he dreams of becoming a scriptwriter.

Chigasaki Itaru (CV: Asanuma Shintarou)

Age: 23
Birthday: Apr. 24
Height: 178 cm
Signature flower: Gerbera

A trusted figure at his day job at an elite company as well as Mankai Company, Itaru is the epitome of dependable. However, as the game progresses you’ll find an unexpected side behind his prince-like appearance.

Citron (CV: Igarashi Masashi)

Age: 22
Birthday: May 15
Height: 177 cm
Signature flower: Jasmine

Citron is a man full of mysteries – although he claims to be a foreign exchange student who had no place to stay, it’s difficult to tell what the real story is. It doesn’t help that he often confuses words due to Japanese not being his native language. Nevertheless, he’s working actively to better his acting and Japanese skills and is a huge influence on the atmosphere of the Spring Troupe.

Utsuki Chikage (CV: Hatano Wataru)

Age: 26 (Act 2)
Birthday: Apr. 15
Height: 183 cm
Signature flower: Lily of the valley

Like Itaru, the Spring Troupe’s newest recruit has come from a day job at the same company. Although he’s a friendly guy, Chikage also has no compulsions about lying to others with a smile. Not to mention, he has his share of secrets, some of which you’ll find out after he becomes a member of Mankai Company…

Sumeragi Tenma (CV: Eguchi Takuya)

Age: 16
Birthday: Jun. 21
Height: 178 cm
Signature flower: Sunflower

Second-year Ouhana Academy student and Summer Troupe leader Tenma has youth and confidence in equal shares. His past as an acting prodigy with two movie star parents has made him rather arrogant (and unable to make hardly any friends), but a hidden weakness led him to transition from a movie career to Mankai Company and the stage.

Rurikawa Yuki (CV: Toki Shunichi)

Age: 14
Birthday: Jul. 8
Height: 165 cm
Signature flower: Lily

A third-year student at St. Flora Middle School, Yuki’s cute appearance contrasts sharply with his words, as he is unafraid to speak his mind regardless of age and status. However, his experience with being bullied for his looks and hobbies means that he won’t hesitate to stand up for his friends. His career at Mankai Company includes not just acting, but also costuming (his initial reason for joining).

Sakisaka Muku (CV: Yamaya Yoshitaka)

Age: 14
Birthday: Aug. 30
Height: 167 cm
Signature flower: Chinese bellflower

Also a third-year student at St. Flora, Muku used to be a star in the track and field team, raising the question of why he joined Mankai Company. His pure personality fits perfectly with his love for shoujo manga, with the genre’s prince-type heroes being a model for his actions. However, his behaviour can also get a bit out of hand due to his tendency to react drastically to worst-case scenarios that he himself imagined.

Ikaruga Misumi (CV: Hirose Daisuke)

Age: 19
Birthday: Jun. 6
Height: 175 cm
Signature flower: Dahlia

Misumi is a part-time worker with the rather unusual hobby of collecting – wait for it – triangular objects. His overall presence is just as mysterious but he’s also pure-hearted and constantly full of energy, not to mention gifted physically, a useful asset for any actor.

Miyoshi Kazunari (CV: Ozawa Ren)

Age: 19
Birthday: Aug. 1
Height: 176 cm
Signature flower: Hibiscus

This popular young actor is a second-year student at an art university and actually used to go to the same high school as Tsuzuru of the Spring Troupe. As one would expect of such a trendy figure, Miyoshi’s hobby is listed as posting on social media and scuba diving. Nevertheless, he’s not one to discriminate and is happy to reach out to anyone with a smile. His talent in graphic design has also earned him the role of designing Mankai Company’s website and flyers.

Hyoudou Kumon (CV: Hatanaka Tasuku)

Age: 16 (Act 2)
Birthday: Jul. 20
Height: 173 cm
Signature flower: Morning glory

A second-year student at Tsukushi High School, Hyoudou’s reason for joining Mankai Company is simple: so he won’t be too far apart from his beloved big brother Juza. He’s also the cousin of fellow Summer Troupe actor Muku. Cheerful and full of energy (no surprise for a former member of the baseball club) yet also thoughtful and a good communicator, it’s hard not to love this new addition to the troupe.

Settsu Banri (CV: Sawashiro Chiharu)

Age: 17
Birthday: Sept. 9
Height: 183 cm
Signature flower: Cosmos

Be it study or sports, Hanasaki High School second-year student and Autumn Troupe leader Banri is one of those people who can achieve anything and everything without breaking a sweat – except for victory against his fellow troupe member, Juza. Having lost a fight against him, Banri joined Mankai Company for another chance at facing off, one of the few blips in his life in “easy mode”.

Hyoudou Juza (CV: Takeuchi Shunsuke)

Age: 17
Birthday: Sept. 27
Height: 185 cm
Signature flower: Cluster amaryllis

Look familiar? Juza is the big brother of Summer Troupe’s Kumon and the cousin of Muku. This tough lone wolf actually has a sweeter side – literally, since he loves sweets, which he keeps a secret from even his family. He’s also wanted to act since he was little, but he never made it into any of the school plays, having scared off everyone around him. In his third year at Ouhana High School, he managed to qualify for Mankai Company despite his lousy acting.

Nanao Taichi (CV: Hama Kento)

Age: 16
Birthday: Oct. 11
Height: 172 cm
Signature flower: Pansy

Taichi’s reason for joining Mankai Company is simple – to get popular with girls, which explains his hobby of reading advice columns on love in fashion magazines. Always hyper and quick to become friendly with people, the Ouhana second-year student is often compared to a dog. Naturally, he isn’t scared off by more intimidating troupe members like Banri and Juza either.

Fushimi Omi (CV: Kumagai Kentarou)

Age: 20
Birthday: Nov. 2
Height: 190 cm
Signature flower: Carnation

If anyone could be called the mother of the troupe, it would be Omi, having honed his housework skills in an all-male family of four. His delicious meals and sweet treats keep everyone in Mankai Company well satisfied, a far cry from his days as the strongest delinquent back home. He’s now a third-year student and a member of the photography club at Hasei University.

Furuichi Sakyou (CV: Hose Yuichi)

Age: 30
Birthday: Nov. 23
Height: 178 cm
Signature flower: Chrysanthemum

Sakyou stands out among his fellow actors not only because of his age, but also for being a yakuza who’s unusually knowledgable about the history of Mankai Company. For a certain reason, after attempting to destroy its theater he instead became an actor and also began to use his accounting talent for the good of the company.

Izumida Azami (CV: Konishi Seiya)

Age: 14 (Act 2)
Birthday: Oct. 25
Height: 179 cm
Signature flower: Thistle

Azami is still a third-year student at Tanegaoka Middle School, but he’s no stranger to the world of yakuza, also being the only son of the head of Ginsenkai (the organization that Sakyou works for). However, he ran away from home after his father found out about his dreams of becoming a makeup artist. Behind his cool exterior, he may actually have quite a naive side to him.

Tsukioka Tsumugi (CV: Tamaru Atsushi)

Age: 24
Birthday: Dec. 28
Height: 175 cm
Signature flower: Narcissus

Private tutor Tsumugi used to be part of a theater company when he was a student with Tasuku but a certain incident caused him to give up on becoming an actor. In the end he couldn’t abandon his dreams completely, leading him to Mankai Company. Although he’s the leader of the Winter Troupe, he has a mild personality and is even somewhat timid.

Takato Tasuku (CV: Satou Takuya)

Age: 24
Birthday: Feb. 22
Height: 185 cm
Signature flower: Orchid

Unlike most of his current peers, Tasuku was a professional actor before joining Mankai Company – in top theater troupe God Seat, no less. Although he’s a hard worker and talented actor, this stoic young man can actually be quite clumsy in conversations. He also used to participate in the same theater club as Tsumugi, but a strong sense of resentment still remains due to the latter temporarily giving up on his dreams of becoming an actor.

Mikage Hisoka (CV: Terashima Junta)

Age: 25
Birthday: Dec. 3
Height: 170 cm
Signature flower: Anemone

With no memory of his past and true identity, Hisoka’s life is a mystery. He was taken in by Mankai Company after being found collapsed in front of the theater. A man of few words, he has the tendency to fall asleep anywhere and at any time. Despite all this, though, he undoubtedly has talent in acting.

Arisugawa Homare (CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki)

Age: 27
Birthday: Feb. 2
Height: 181 cm
Signature flower: Rose

You’d expect that Homare has a fine artistic sense, being a literal poet. Well, he does, but not in the way that a normal person would expect as it veers way off into the extremes. One example is his tendency to read out the ridiculously passionate poems he thinks of when inspiration strikes. Despite all this, though, he takes good care of those around him.

Yukishiro Azuma (CV: Kakihara Tetsuya)

Age: ??
Birthday: Jan. 22
Height: 178 cm
Signature flower: Camellia

No one seems to know how old Azuma is, but there’s a distinct maturity and calmness about him. His sense of beauty is one of his main traits, as well as taking life at his own pace. He’s said to have many “patrons”, a hint at his past line of work.

Age: ??
Birthday: Jan. 13
Height: 183 cm
Signature flower: Ranunculus

Standing out as the newest actor of the Winter Troupe and another member from overseas, Guy is actually in Japan thanks to Citron, being his former attendant. Overall, he doesn’t seem to have much emotional awareness or expression and even describes himself as an “android”.

Have you gotten to know the boys? For more information about A3!, visit our beginner’s guide and the official website to start your journey with these ikemen actors!

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