
Stan Lee Ends Public Autograph Signings At Conventions

Stan Lee an almost-ubiquitous figure at comic conventions around the globe, appearing on panels and signing comic books and other memorabilia. However, in recent years the aging Marvel Comics legends has begun to lighten his schedule, reducing the number of convention appearances in the United States, and ending visits to Canada and Europe. Now it appears he’ll also cut back on autograph sessions.

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Now 95 years old, Lee is unable to sustain the same level of activity that he once did, and he is not scheduled for any public autograph signings. However, Desert Wind Comics has advertised a list of rates for Lee’s signatures on merchandise, to be provided through the company’s Independent Signature Witnessing Services. For security reasons, the exact dates and locations of these events have not been revealed.

Lee’s health and well-being have been a source of concern over the past year. In addition to the death of his wife Joan, there have been reports of elder abuse and mismanagement of his finances, all of which appear to be a factor in his withdrawal from public signings.

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Jonathan Bolerjack, who is helping with Lee’s affairs, told Bleeding Cool, “To be very clear, Stan is 100 percent not doing any conventions/public signings. In the last few years his well-being had been compromised by people for monetary gain and that practice is over.”

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