
Who Is Del Toro’s Last Jedi Character?

Since his casting, it has been rumoured that Benicio Del Toro would be playing a villain in the hotly-anticipated Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Del Toro’s character, who director Rian Johnson has dubbed DJ for reasons that will apparently become clear, has been consistently described as shady. Now, new details — which come from Entertainment Weekly — paint him as a talented and dangerous man without allegiances.

“DJ is an enigmatic figure whose tattered, threadbare clothes and lackadaisical attitude conceal a sharp mind and expert skills,” the report said.

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DJ will factor into a mission that brings Finn (John Boyega) and Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) to Canto Bight, a gambling resort.

Boyega was able to disclose some information about how DJ factors into the film’s plot. “We just need a codebreaker and he’s the best in the galaxy,” he said. “Unfortunately, he’s very dodgy and only in it for financial gain. He doesn’t fight for any side.”

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“He has distinct opinions,” Boyega continued. “The Resistance bombs the First Order one day, the First Order bombs the Resistance on another. It’s an ongoing war that will never end. For him, he’s trying to benefit off of that — which doesn’t make him the person you want to trust.”

While she didn’t disclose any additional information about the plot, Tran described Del Toro’s performance as “coiled and disturbing.” “When I was onset with that character, I felt like there was a tiger in the room, and I always had to be watching,” she said. “Like an animal, at any moment he could do something, and I didn’t know what.”

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Arriving Dec. 15, Star Wars: The Last Jedi stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Andy Serkis, Benicio del Toro, Laura Dern and Kelly Marie Tran.

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