
Reign of the Supermen Trailer Breaks Down the Man of Steel’s Successors

With The Death of Superman animated film finally released after premiering at Comic-Con International at San Diego, Warner Bros. Animation is now turning their attention to the next film in what will be a trilogy of animated films telling the story of the death and return of the Man of Steel. The company has now released a trailer for the first Reign of the Supermen film.

The film will adapt the famous crossover event that followed the 1992 “Death of Superman” storyline in the four Superman titles in 1993. After Superman died in battle against Doomsday, his body vanished from his tomb and four mysterious new characters showed up in each one of the four different Superman books of the era. A young clone of Superman known as Superboy, a Cyborg Superman, a Kryptonian Eradicator and, of course, a man of steel known as Steel.

RELATED: Doomsday Strikes in The Death of Superman Trailer

The trailer is mostly behind the scenes discussions from the creative talent behind the upcoming movie, but there are some glimpses of the animation for the film.

The movie appears to be mostly dealing with the establishment of the four new Supermen and what each of their agendas are. Screenwriter Tim Sheridan described the film as, “Superman represents hope, and at the end of Death of Superman that hope is lost. The question of where we go from there is what we’re trying to explore with this story.”

RELATED: Death of Superman Sneak Peek Reveals “Unstoppable” Doomsday

Sheridan followed that up to also note, “Death of Superman is about how we destory our suerheroes and Reign of the Supermen is about how we make them.”

It appears as though Reign of the Supermen might be split into two parts, as they are trying to amplify the original story a bit.

Reign of the Supermen is due out in 2019.

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