
Marvel Studios Eyeing Cate Shortland as Black Widow Director

Marvel Studios is narrowing in on a director for its unannounced Black Widow solo film. The studio reportedly has its eye set on Cate Shortland, the director of Berlin Syndrome and Lore, to helm the film about the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s deadly assassin-turned-S.H.I.E.L.D. operative.

The news comes courtesy of Deadline, which claims that the studio has finally decided to move forward with the long-rumored movie. The film will star Scarlet Johansson, who has played the character since her introduction in 2010’s Iron Man 2. A previous report claimed that the Black Widow movie will see the character living in the United States some 15 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, pegging the film as a prequel that takes place long before the events of Iron Man.

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Black Widow’s role in the future of the MCU is an uncertain one. She was branded a criminal after the events of Captain America: Civil War for siding with Steve Rogers at a critical moment. She reappeared in Avengers: Infinity War alongside Captain America and did battle with Thanos’ Black Order in Wakanda. She survived when Thanos’ performed his universe-altering snap and will seemingly be part of the team devoted to bringing back those lost in Avengers 4.

Little else is known about the unannounced movie, other than the fact that Kevin Feige has been vocal about bringing a solo Black Widow film to the big screen for some time now.

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