
Star Wars Twitter Account Seems to Confirm L3-37’s Role in Original Trilogy

Solo: A Star Wars Story may not be flying high at the box office at present, but it’s certainly filling us in on how Han Solo and Chewbacca came to be the notorious smugglers who appeared in A New Hope to save the galaxy. Now, it seems that this origin flick is also explaining bits and pieces of the Millennium Falcon‘s mode of operation in George Lucas’ original trilogy, which is set years later in the saga’s timeline.

According to the official Star Wars Twitter account, it’s more or less confirmed that L3-37, whose robot intelligence was integrated into the Millennium Falcon in Solo, was indeed speaking to C-3PO during The Empire Strikes Back as the droid tried to help Han plot an escape. When asked by a fan if this was the case, the account cheekily hinted it very much was, teasing the incorporation of “L3” into the name of Han’s ship.

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In Ron Howard’s current anthology film, as Han (Alden Ehrenreich) and Co. embarked on the Kessel Run, they used the navigational systems of the deceased L3-37 to boost the Falcon‘s capabilities, and this is what seemingly carried into that scene from The Empire Strikes Back.

In the latter, C-3PO was seen trying to communicate with the Falcon, while expressing concern over the “peculiar dialect” the ship was speaking back with. Well, now we know that it was indeed the sassy L3-37 from Howard’s movie. Other fans believe that L3-37 was also the one who hinted to the crew that the Falcon‘s hyperdrive was shot to bits when the Empire raided them on Hoth, but that’s yet to be confirmed by the all-seeing, all-knowing Star Wars social media team.

RELATED: Marvel’s Lando Comic Reveals Source of L3-37’s Social Justice Mindset

In theaters now, director Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story stars Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo, Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian, Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra and Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca. They’re joined by Thandie Newton as Val, Phoebe Waller-Bridge L3-37, Paul Bettany as Dryden Vos and Woody Harrelson as Tobias Beckett.

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