
Operational and Transformable Robot to Debut at Tokyo Event!

The giant mecha found in series like Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion might be here sooner than you think! The prototype for an operational, transformable robot will make its debut at an event on Tokyo on May 5.

Named “J-deite RIDE,” this technological marvel towers over even the tallest of humans with an impressive height of 4 meters. It doesn’t just stand around looking pretty, either. J-deite RIDE can transform into two different modes: “robot mode”, which lets it walk around on two legs, and “vehicle mode,” which lets it transform into a drivable vehicle.

Best of all, it is big enough to be occupied by two people and can be operated by whoever is lucky enough to take the driver’s seat. However, it can also be controlled by a remote controller that’s connected to a wireless network.

J-deite RIDE was developed in collaboration by four different companies: J-deite RIDE LLP, Asratec Corp., Sansei Technologies Inc., and BRAVE ROBOTICS Inc. They are marketing it as the next step in the evolution of amusement park rides and attractions, with hopes to further develop and commercialize the concept.

The fact that they nailed that design is no coincidence, either. It was actually designed by Okawara Kunio himself, who was in fact first in the industry to be named a mechanical designer. Okawara is credited with mecha designs on a staggering number of shows, including several shows belonging to the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise.

Those attending Tokyo’s “GoldenWeek DOKIDOKI Festa All Working Cars Assemble!” will get to see J-deite RIDE in action on May 5 (though the event itself runs from Apr. 28 to May 6). It also make an appearance at the “IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018” in Florida, the United States sometime in Nov.

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