The otherworldly Ishtar from Fate/Grand Order is now available as a gorgeous articulated figure by 4 Inch Nel!
While she may look familiar due to her possession of Tohsaka Rin, this Pseudo-Servant exudes a godly and powerful aura that is all her own.
Her choice of attire is sparse but lavishly adorned with golden accents from her boots to her five-pronged crown, not to mention her matching choker and earring set. Coupled with the confident gaze, there’s no mistaking Ishtar’s presence.

She also comes with her black and gold sword, though the real show-stopper is the Boat of Heaven Maanna, her Noble Phantasm. More than just a mere accessory, this interstellar bow-and-airship weapon is every bit as exquisite and detailed as one might imagine. It comes as three separate parts, too, so all sorts of interesting maneuvers can be recreated!

Additional expressions, hands, and posing accessories guarantee that any display you choose will be fit for this stunning Goddess of Heaven.

Ishtar can be preordered at Tokyo Otaku Mode ahead of a Aug. 2018 release date.
Product Name: 4 Inch Nel Fate/Grand Order Archer/Ishtar
Series: Fate/Grand Order
Product Line: 4 Inch Nel
Manufacturer: Sentinel
Sculptor: Takao Kinoshita (ICREA)
Specifications: Painted, articulated, non-scale figure with stand
Materials: ABS, ATBC-PVC, PP
Height (approx.):
・Figure: 120 mm | 4.7″
・Maanna: 225 mm | 8.9″