
No Justice Preview Showcases the Breach in the Source Wall

We now have a look at the breach in the Source Wall, which is set to play a major part in the upcoming Justice League: No Justice comics event.

In plotting a course for the DC Universe’s future, Dark Nights: Metal #6 gave us a glimpse of the Source Wall and the threat of impending evil. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson and Francis Manapul offered up plenty of info on No Justice, including a peek of what that wall breach looks like.

No Justice springboards off of Metal‘s finale, and the event will lead to three different Justice League ongoing series. But before that, heroes from around the DC Universe will join forces in different Justice League teams to address each and every threat.

“The setup is exactly as you said: The universe is broken, and the teams that we know and love in the DCU are not ready for what’s coming,” Williamson said. “And the figure who’s going to tell them that is Brainiac, who’s going to drag them off to change that.

Williamson said No Justice will also focus on Amanda Waller and the realization that the gates of the universe are broken, and that cosmic threats are inbound. With that, the story is both universe-spanning and grounded.

The teams of No Justice include Justice League lineups led by Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman and The Flash and pull in heroes and villains from across the DCU, including Lobo, Beast Boy, Martian Manhunter, the Green Lantern Corps and Trigon.

Justice League: No Justice, the four-part weekly series, begins in May.

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