
Oni’s Kaijumax Gets Monster-Sized Hardcover

It’s always a good time for monster stories, and with Shape of Water a recent Best Picture winner and Pacific Rim Uprising at the top of the box office, it’s understandable if you’ve dedicated an inordinate amount of time to thinking about them lately. And don’t stop now — Oni Press has made a new hardcover collection of Zander Cannon’s Kaijumax official, at the monstrous proportions the series deserves. CBR has the first details.

Scheduled for release in October, Kaijumax Deluxe Edition Book 1 clocks in at 368 pages, and collects the first 12 issues of the monsters-in-prison series, which debuted in 2015.

RELATED: Zander Cannon Sentences Giant Monsters to Hard Time in Kaijumax

“Working on Kaijumax has been the pinnacle of my professional career,” Cannon, also known for his collaboration with Alan Moore on Top 10, said in a statement. “Being able to put out a funny, sad, disgusting comic book with grotesque and lovable characters has made me happier than I ever could have hoped. I can’t wait to see this new kaiju-size edition — clearly the best size to read monster stories — in bookstores and in the hands of the book’s biggest fans.”

The book will collect the first two six-issue “seasons” of Kaijumax. A third debuted this past July, and wrapped in January of this year. Kaijumax Season 4 is slated to debut with issue #1 on June 13.

Kaijumax Deluxe Edition Book 1 cover

For the uninitiated, here’s Oni’s official description of Kaijumax: “Follow Electrogor, Mechazon, Warden Kang, The Creature from Devil’s Creek, Chisato, Hellmoth, Jeong, and more as they negotiate the harsh rules of prison, the perils of the kaiju black market, and the allure of the illicit uranium trade. From the depths of the Old Gods’ Krakenhouse to Team GREAT’s orbital laser satellite, from the 1960s to modern day, the furious, anguished, or triumphant roars of Kaijumax‘s inmates will ring in your ears for all time.”

Kaijumax Deluxe Edition Book 1 is slated for release on Oct. 24.

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