
Justice League: No Justice Interview: Team-Ups You’ve Never Seen

Following directly after the events of DC’s soon-to-wrap event series Dark Nights: Metal, Justice League: No Justice has already been teased with brand new team lineups as a cosmic space-based adventure mixing up characters from virtually every corner of the galaxy — something that is sure to herald massive consequences for the DC Universe moving forward.

So far, we know that No Justice will be breaking the Teen Titans and Justice League into four teams, mixed in with some unconventional surprises. Each team is apparently empowered by, or relating to, some sort of cosmic energy or force. Wonder Woman leads a team made up of magic users, Superman leads a team comprised of aliens, Barry Allen leads a team of science-based heroes, and Batman leads a team of some of the more unsavory characters of the DCU (and also Beast Boy, whose presence on the team may even be a mystery to him).

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Set to be a four-part weekly series co-written by Scott Snyder, Joshua Williamson, and James Tynion IV with art by Francis Manapul and Marcus To, No Justice kicks off in May following the conclusion of Metal. CBR spoke with Tynion and Williamson about the series earlier this month at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle.

CBR: So No Justice is going to be four issues written by three people — you’re both working with Scott Snyder on the project. How is that collaborative process shaking out?

James Tynion IV: It’s totally organic. We came up with all of it together and what we wanted to do was build this story that is so over the top fun, exciting, action, human drama — we spent so much time in the DC offices just throwing stuff up on the whiteboard, all of us just hitting a moment and then figuring out how to make it 20 times crazier — and normally the answer to that question involves Starro. [Laughs] It’s really been great and a highly collaborative experience.

Joshua Williamson: Yeah! I don’t think anyone will pick up No Justice and at any point and think, “Oh, well, this person wrote this part or this person wrote this part.” James has become my daily chat buddy so we just talk throughout the day, talk with Scott, talk in person. There’s a lot of bouncing around.

We have all these moments where we just keep trying to escalate things. It’s been so much fun. There isn’t one person who wrote the outline, or anything like that.

Here’s a specific question and something that’s been nagging at me for a while now. We’ve seen the teams and it’s pretty clear how they’re being delineated. We’ve got the aliens, the magic users, the scientists — the themes are pretty obvious. But why is Beast Boy on Batman’s team? He’s the only one that doesn’t make sense to me.

Tynion IV: Beast Boy has the exact same question. Every scene he’s in he’s looking around like, “Why am I here, I don’t understand!”

Williamson: There’s a very nice scene between Beast Boy and Lobo — they have an emotional conversation. [Laughs]

Tynion IV: One of the core ideas of the story is that we have these four alien space gods who you can kind of see the hints of in the team covers, and they each embody a different kind of cosmic energy. Each of these teams is designed to tap into that kind of cosmic energy. So, that’s something that’s super-central to the whole story — so Beast Boy, even though he’s a very lighthearted character up against all these much more serious characters —

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