
Christopher Reeve’s Superman Battles Lou Ferrigno’s Hulk In Space

When it comes to the most powerful figures in superhero comics, two characters at the top of most fans’ lists are Superman and the Incredible Hulk.

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In addition to several clashes in rare DC/Marvel crossover comics, various fan-made films depicting the two superheroes in battle have been made over the years. But a new short movie takes the fight to a new level by transporting Christopher Reeves’ Superman and Lou Ferrigno’s Hulk to space!

Part Four of YouTube user Mike Habjan’s ongoing Superman v Hulk clash picks up the skirmish as the Man of Steel scoops the Jade Giant into the air in an attempt to take the latter into Earth’s stratosphere. Of course, the Hulk isn’t too keen on sitting back and letting this happen, as he puts up a gamma-powered fight the entire way.

The fan-film does an excellent job of recreating the likenesses of Reeves and Ferrigno for their roles as the heroes, with dramatic theme music provided by Francois Gratecap.

Just as they reach the first barrier of space, Hulk unleashes a powerful thunderclap, sending Superman and himself tumbling back to Earth. We won’t spoil the ending for you, we will say it involves a cloud of dust.

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