
Marvel Actors, Creators Celebrate Stan Lee’s 95th Birthday

Today marks Stan Lee’s 95th birthday, and both Marvel Cinematic Universe actors and comic book creators have come out of the woodwork to wish the legendary writer, editor and producer a happy birthday.

Lee’s contributions to comics span roughly six decades. He began working at Atlas Comics in the mid-1950s — the company that would eventually become Marvel Comics. Lee was tasked with reviving the superhero genre, which led to him being teamed with Jack Kirby. Together, Lee and Kirby created superheroes with human concerns, like the Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man and the X-Men.

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Lee would go on to co-create the Avengers, refine the Marvel Method of script writing and pen his own column called Stan’s Soapbox. Lee teamed with John Romita Sr. in the ‘60s to pen comic book stories that were more politically and culturally topical than ever before.

Lately, Lee is best known for his cameos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and beyond. Lee’s tradition of cameoing in movie inspired by Marvel properties stretches all the way back to 1989’s Trial of the Incredible Hulk. Lee’s influence can be felt in nearly every aspect of modern comics, so it’s no surprise creators and actors have come out in force to celebrate his 95th birthday. Heck, even the United States Army tipped their hat to Lee:

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