Micronauts Animated Series in the Works From Hasbro

Hasbro plans to begin production next year on a Micronauts animated series, targeted to debut in 2019.

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The toymaking giant revealed the development in a marketing kit, which includes concept art and a synopsis for the half-hour cartoon, aimed at viewers ages 6 to 11. The news surfaces a week after Paramount Pictures staked out a release date of Oct. 16, 2020, for a planned live-action adaptation of Micronauts.

Micronauts concept art from Hasbro

Micronauts concept art

“When fate brings an unlikely team of alien space explorers to earth in pursuit of the evil Baron Karza, they make a shocking discovery—on our world they are the size of action figures!” states the description. “The Micronauts are small heroes in a big world but the stakes are higher than ever as their miniaturized size presents dangerous obstacles at every turn. Fortunately, they forge an alliance with teenager Cameron Ruck, who will join them in their pursuit of justice. Although the Micronauts are small in stature, their bravery and adventurous spirits remain larger than life.”

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Released in 1974 in Japan as Micromen, the classic toy line was imported to the United States two years later by the Mego Corporation and renamed Micronauts. Marvel began publishing licensed Micronauts comics in 1979, fleshing out the story of the microscopic Microverse and a team brought together to oppose the dictator Baron Karza. The initial Marvel series ended in 1984, followed by reprints, a miniseries, and a second volume that ran from 1984 to 1986. The property has been resurrected in comics form by Image Comics, Devil’s Due Publishing and, currently, IDW Publishing.

Plans for a Micronauts live-action film dates back at least to 2009, but picked up steam in 2015 with the hiring of a new writer. That was quickly followed by the announcement of plans by Hasbro and Paramount to launch an interconnected movie universe that unites Micronauts with other toy properties G.I. Joe, Visionairies, M.A.S.K. and ROM.

(via Newsarama)

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