
Detective Conan Escape Game Returns With Prelude of Zero!

Detective Conan is once again joining the Real Escape Game series with a brand new escape game: Detective Conan: The Escape – Prelude of Zero! Just like in the movie Zero’s Executioner, Conan and Amuro will face off, and the event will run from Jan. 19, 2018 to Jun. 24.

The Detective Conan Real Escape Games have been running since 2013, and more than 600,000 visitors have participated. This will be the 5th in the series following Detective Conan: The Escape – Fire Code of Recollection.

This game stands as a prelude to the film Zero’s Executioner, and it boasts the highest guest satisfaction rate at 99%. Players will experience both an original story and a full-blown live performance. In addition, just like in the movie, Amuro of the secret government organization Zero serves a important and mysterious role.

Detective Conan: The Escape – Prelude of Zero
Dates: Jan. 19, 2018 (Fri.) ~ June 24, 2018 (Sun.)

Original Work: Aoyama Gosho, Detective Conan (Shogakukan)

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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